Current Senior Undergrad at the University of Miami, AMA

Felt like I should give back to my future Alma Mater by answering any questions potential applicants have! Ask away!

Thanks. I am wondering how difficult the workload is for most students. How rigorous are the courses? Is there any grade deflation? Do most students have time for a good college experience outside of class?

Finally, If you are familiar do you have any sense as to how difficult/competitive the pre-med program is?

Thanks again!!

I have the same set of questions.
My older son is attending a flagship state school in NY. His major is biomedical sciences. He has done wonderfully well. 3.98 general GPA. Research, shadowing, volunteering, etc. He has received several academic awards. In short, he is well on his way to medical school. He chose a SUNY school over Boston University for financial reasons. I truly believe he wouldn’t have done any better anywhere else.
My younger one, also interested in premed, is applying to U of M and hoping for a merit award.
The answers to the questions asked are just as important as the cost of attendance.

@2020CollegeDad and @4011959 Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents on your question: my D is a sophmore at U of Miami majoring in Biochemistry and French on a pre med track. She has a 4.0 GPA currently and just finished her exams for the first semester Sophmore year. She studies and keeps up with her classes, but she does have time for fun and parties and going out to explore Miami. Yes, she is stressed at times due to the work load but she gets through it. She just finished Organic chem 2 and has an A. She said the professor told her that some students got a 5 out of 100 on the final exam with the average being a 50. The exams end up being curved to account for the low scores. So the pre med chem and bio classes are hard, the tests are difficult with low average scores, however I think this seems to the be norm at other competitive schools too. But I can tell you it is possible to do very well and still enjoy some of the college life experiences and enjoy some of what Miami has to offer.

Thank you, that is useful.
What does she think about pre med advising at U of M?

@4011959 She does not have a specific pre med advisor, her advisor is assigned based on the Biochem major, however I feel he has been helpful with her questions. She does participate in a pre med society that has MDs come and speak on different topics, and she has probably gotten more “pre med” advice (as to things that med schools look for from applicants) from that than from her academic advisor

Do you think that attending Miami is worth paying full price? If so, can you tell e why? I understand that up until a few years ago, Miami gave out merit money based on stats- GPA, SAT/ACT extracurricularS etc. When we went to ‘Cane for a Day in fall 2019, they hinted that they would be focusing more on giving merit money to students who fit a certain niche in the school or checked a box they were looking for . Last year a friend’s daughter with similar stats to my child including living in the same zip code ( to account for geography), and might have checked a diversity box ( depending on what they are looking for) got a free ride merit scholarship. My child got $0. Glad my kid was accepted but other competitive schools like Tulane offered my kid decent merit money. I’m trying to decide if Miami is worth paying full price for-especially since I see dorm prices are going up too) or if an equally competitive school that offered merit $ should be the way to go. My kid prefers Miami but the $0 merit is tough to swallow with other options that seem to indicate they want her more. If you tell me it’s worth paying all that money, I’ll have to seriously consider it.

My daughter has been accepted For Fall 2020 (she is in Screenwriting/creative writing majors).
What is your advice for newbies to make it through that first semester as far as getting a roommate, making friends and what major things to bring.