Current Sophomore at Purdue Studying Engineering- Any questions?

<p>I would love to be able to help any new Boilermakers or potential Boilermakers! Just give me a shout if you have any questions you think I could help answer for you! :)</p>

<p>What is your major? Do you know a lot about the aerospace program?</p>

<p>Anonemuss: You might want to contact the School of Aero and Astro: <a href=“[/url]”>About Us - School of Aeronautics and Astronautics - Purdue University;
They’ll be the best resource/ can connect you to the best people.</p>

<p>Also, is the new honors college taking away the first year engineering honors program next year?</p>

<p>My major is Material Science Engineering. I agree with @anonemuss on contacting the department directly, as they might be able to get you in contact with an upperclassman in that field.</p>

<p>As far as I know, the honors engineering program is still in play for next year. I had quite a few friends that participated in the honors program and found it challenging. Personally, I think FYE can be a little overwhelming on it’s own. When I spoke with a few professors in ChemE and MSE, they told me they would rather see an A in FYE, than a B in Honors! Honors doesn’t add extra weight for GPA, so it just makes it harder for you to keep yours at a good number.</p>

<p>Do you recommend joining the honors college?</p>

<p>That’s a really tough question. There were times when I wished that I had joined honors engineering ( I turned it down for the Women in Engineering learning community), because I found such amazing people that were in those classes. Not to mention, their classes sounded a lot more interesting than my own. They got to build a robot, yeah cool I know :stuck_out_tongue: Having said that, I know one of my friends regrets having taken honors because her engineering class ruined her A average. There are also A LOT more students in ENGR 131/132, making it easier to find study buddies or more options on what professor you’ll have or what time you’ll take the class. So, in my personal opinion, I would say no to the honors college (for engineering) and save my GPA from the torment.</p>

<p>Is it easy to get the oos scholarships such as the trustees or any of the other merit based ones? </p>

<p>Sorry, I meant the school wide honors college that’s replacing the uhp this fall.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s necessarily ‘easy’ to get any scholarship. I know as an out of state student, with decent grades and a good sat score, who is going into a mostly male major… Purdue was willing to give me one. If you would like more information I suggest you talk to financial aid. I believe if you’ve been accepted to Purdue already, your scholarship would have come with your acceptance!</p>

<p>What do you mean by uhp?</p>

<p>UHP= University Honors Program.
[Honors</a> College](<a href=“]Honors”>Purdue Honors College - John Martinson Honors College - Purdue University)</p>

<p>UHP/ the honors college gives you early class sign up slots I believe, and it’s nice to have I guess. I was admitted in, but then I dropped out because Civil engineering doesn’t have honors classes, you have to do the honors project for the class, which was too much of a hassle for me. I had better things to occupy my time. </p>

<p>Again, I would contact the Honors College’s offices for accurate and in depth information.</p>

<p>Again @seirsly has some great suggestions! If you want to find out more give them a call and they should be able to help you out. </p>

<p>[Honors</a> College](<a href=“]Honors”>Purdue Honors College - John Martinson Honors College - Purdue University)</p>

<p>Sorry guys if I came off as obnoxious. I still have a long way until I go to college, three years to be exact. But I’m pretty sure purdue is the college for me.</p>

<p>Is the campus itself nice/ navigable?</p>

<p>You’re not obnoxious, but your questions are pretty specific and better answered by the offices.</p>

<p>It’s pretty nice and definitely navigable. Just look at google maps. :)</p>

<p>I posted questions on the other page but I’ll post different ones here.
What exactly is Material Science Engineering?</p>

<p>On the Engineering Page, the AP classes they take are different from the general Purdue Admissions page. For example, they give credit to AP Art History whereas the Admissions page says no credit. And for a bunch of courses they don’t even have credit listed such as Computer Science, some of the sciences, etc. Is this supposed to happen?</p>

<p>I was wondering if the bathrooms in Earhart have cubbies in the bathroom so I don’t have to drag my toothpaste to the bathroom :slight_smile: Or does midwest humor dictate that you don’t leave your toothbrush out in the open for pranksters…</p>

<p>How many AP classes did you guys use for credit? And is there a limit as to how many you can use?</p>

<p>Descuff - materials science engineeering is a branch of engineering that creates synthetic materials. There’s a lab class where you break things and then analyze why they broke. Beyond that, I can’t give a good explanation. </p>

<p>Anonemuss - engineering has a lot more lax requirements for gen ed classes as opposed to other schools. The opposite goes for science/math classes. Though I’m surprised that a 5 in comp sci wouldn’t get you some credit. </p>

<p>Caresident - no, there is not. It’s really not bad though. I lived in the second to last room in the hall (and the bathroom is in the middle) and it wasn’t that bad. </p>

<p>Anonemuss- I basically only used my ap is history credit. I wasn’t comfortable enough to start in calc 2 after getting calc 1 credit and my ap chem credit was for 111, which is considered remedial relative to 115, which I had to take.</p>

<p>Caresident: Nope, but if it bothers you, get a little tote thing with your shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc. That’s what most girls do from what I’ve seen. Guys usually just grab everything they need. </p>

<p>Anonemuss: I don’t think there’s a limit to AP credits… I came in with ~19 credits, but decided to retake Calc 2 since I only got a 4 in that section. So I used my AP Calc BC, AP Psych, AP Physics. I think that’s everything…</p>

<p>@Natural Disaster - So the Purdue Admissions AP Chart doesn’t apply to Engineering Students?</p>