Current Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors I can talk too?

<p>Hey! I'll be a rising freshman at Virginia Tech. I have a few questions about course registration since I'll be registering for courses in like 2 weeks. If anyone wouldn't mind answering some questions I have about certain courses (microecon/ econ 2005, calc, english/comp, etc ) and about Tech itself I would really, really appreciate it.</p>

<p>Ill also be in their honors program, so fi any honors students would be willing to talk I would also really appreciate that but I'd appreciate any upperclassmen in general. </p>

<p>I can direct message you or you can comment on this thread! </p>

<p>Please comment on this thread if you reply. My son is an Honors freshman at Tech and would like any information on courses also.</p>

<p>I’m a Senior in Honors. I’m double majoring in Math and Computer Science and minoring in Industrial Design. </p>

<p>Ask away. </p>

<p>How time consuming were the extra requirements for Honors? How advantageous is the priority registration you receive as an Honors student?</p>

<p>There are multiple ways to earn honors credit and my way isn’t time consuming; I’m doing Undergraduate Research and that counts towards my Honors requirement. I only have to dedicate 10 - 20 hours a week to so it isn’t too bad. </p>

<p>Unless you’re going for one of the special degree programs (ie. Scholar in Health Studies , Commonwealth Scholar, etc.), honors requirements don’t require that much more work. The honors classes are usually more engaging and focuses more on discussions instead of the traditional lecture style.</p>

<p>The advantage of having priority registration is pretty good but I think the degree to how good it really is depends on your major and the classes you’re looking for. For example, in the CS department we have classes on iOS and Android development. Those classes always fill up quickly with upperclassmen getting priority making it pretty difficult to get into that class if you aren’t a Senior. But with priority registration, you can take that class as soon as you have the prerequisite courses (which could be done by Sophomore year if you came in with some AP credit). </p>

<p>On the other hand, the Math department guarantees that all Math majors can get into any Math class they want, so having priority registration wouldn’t matter here. </p>

<p>I personally wouldn’t recommend doing honors for the perks. The perks are cool but they aren’t really that great. The best benefits of going honors is access to honors classes and being around a bunch of people who love learning. It also helps a lot when applying to graduate schools </p>

<p>I understand that Honors Students must maintain a certain GPA to remain in the program. (I forget what it is.) Were you aware of any students who were not able to maintain that GPA? Did they have a probationary period, or were they just kicked out of Honors? (I don’t expect to need this information, but it doesn’t hurt to know the risks…)</p>

<p>You need a 3.6 to be admitted and must maintain a 3.5. </p>

<p>There is a “probationary” period but it’s kind of weird: if you drop below a 3.5 during the Fall then they give you to the Spring to bring your GPA up, if you drop below a 3.5 during the Spring then you’re out. </p>

<p>Maybe you can speak to your adviser and work something out but that’s the normal rules; at least what I’ve seen happen. </p>