Current Students: Which residence hall to choose?

<p>Hey guys, I recently received my housing contract along with the nice booklet of all the different types of University Housing available. They all look so nice but I am sure that some are better than others. Which halls should I select? why? In which order? </p>

<p>Thanks Alot</p>

<p>i have the same question...which dorms are best for freshman? and which are the more quiet dorms? do you think smith will be? Thanks</p>

<p>Yeah, I was wondering the same too. I'll be majoring in bio or chem so a dorm close to those buildings would be nice. But more importantly im interested in a more studious dorm and not interested in drinking or drugs. Which dorm(s) will suit me best? (any of you planning on going to the wisconsin-real thing btw??)</p>

<p>Chad and Smith will be the best.</p>

<p>are the dorms chosen first-come, first-serve, or is it randomised one way or the other?</p>

<p>pretty random,</p>

<p>Posted last year</p>

<p>This is what I've hear about the dorms:
Southeast dorms (sellery/witte/ogg)
Lakeshore(marginally rommier)
How is Witte hall?
I stayed in Sellery and thought it was a younger bro's a Frosh at Witte..he likes it a lot and I had friends who lived their and I liked it from what I saw
Dorm size

<p>Of the dorms Ogg Sellery and Witte are the loudest in that order. They are also the worst in living conditions except for location. Ogg will be torn down soon so they may not use it next year. The best are the lakeshore dorms, Elizabeth Waters-females only, and Chadbourne. Many new students live in the private dorms such as Towers and Statesider. I lived in Witte and it is the best of the newer dorms. I don't know about the multi-cultural dorm. Most dorm rooms are average in size except in some of the older nice dorms like Waters and Kronsage.
Most kids move into off campus housing after a year.</p>

- Southeast dorms are much more social than
Lakeshore. However, I know plenty of people that lived on Lakeshore (myself included) & had good experiences. The "private" dorms (Statesider, Towers, Langdon) are also very social and mostly out-of-state students.
Best - Private dorms, then lakeshore, last Southeast (Ogg is the worst, by far... that's a Southeast dorm).
What are the pros, cons and prices of each? ?
I'd look at the student housing guide for this info. Also, google Private Residence Hall & "Steve Brown" if you want to learn more about the private dorms. They'll probably send you information in the Spring as well. I think Southeast are probably your best bet if you're not sure what you want.
How is Witte hall? ?
I had friends that lived in Witte & loved it- it's not quite as a mess as Ogg, and the locale is very central.
Did you stay in a community?-
No- I think this would be a good experience in theory, but your freshmen year this campus is so huge & full of options. I would personally want to live in a dorm where you're free to meet all kinds of people & be in a centrel location. Not having that location was the big problem I found w/ Lakeshore.. it really isolates you, which can be hard as a freshmen.</p>

<p>dorm room size? - Totally varies.
Private dorms have a lot of suites and the rooms are bigger. Lakeshore rooms tned to be a little bigger & nicer. Of course, Southeast dorms are the worst condition-wise. But dorm usually only lasts for your freshmen year. I would choose your dorms based on where you think you'll meet the "best" people, b/c they will be the basis of your social network for your first year or so on campus,</p>

<p>Social ones are probably Chadbourne,
Sellery, Witte, Ogg
Best: I like Chadbourne, Barnard, and Sellery
worst? Ogg is really dirty and dark and old.
What are the pros, cons of each?
Well, the price range is about the same for all of the dorms where you have a roommate. It
costs an extra $300 to stay in Chadbourne and Barnard, but it is worth it. They have the best locations, a cafeteria right inside the dorm, free movie rentals from their movie library, lots of study spots, and a whole lot of social events. The dorms really depend on the location.
The lakeshore dorms are farther out (Adams, Tripp, Kronsage, Bradley) but they are right by the lake and are great for people who like to exercise and be out in nature. The Southeast dorms (Sellery, Witte, Ogg) are louder and more geared up for socializing and are closer to shopping, but really they are just as far from campus as lakeshore.
Chadbourne and Liz and Barnard are best I think because they have a good locationa nd are near pretty much anything, be it a gym or shopping or class.</p>

<p>How is Witte hall?
It's a little far from campus, but it is right by the gym (if you work out) and State Street stuff (if you like to shop/party). I've never heard any big complaints about it other than that sometimes the fire alarms get triggered at night (but not that often).
dorm rooms
The dorms were all built at different times, so it varies from dorm building to dorm building.</p>

<p>All of the dorms are social... The environments are a little different, however. Witte, Ogg and Sellery tend to be the "drinking" dorms.
There will be mainly freshman there, and the party lifestyle is predominant. They are big block towers. The Lakeshore dorms are going to be a little less "partying," but I wouldn't exactly call them the "studious" dorms either. People still party down around there, it's just not so much crazy drunkness. The lakeshore are closer to Engineering and anything on the west of campus. Southeast dorms are closer to the humanities. They're all very social too. The nicest dorm is Liz Waters, because it has the biggest rooms and best facilities. Then, it's probably Kronshage and Schlicter (sp), then the other lakeshore, then Southeast, then Ogg (last out of southeast). Southeast are rather ghetto, but people like them, so it's not a huge deal. Sullivan and Cole (lakeshore) are almost as ghetto as them, but they don't have elevator problems or as many late night fire alarms.
I'm pretty sure they all cost the same. I think people tend to like any dorm they're in, but if you are really into a hard core drinking party scene, the southeast are more your style. If you're more into the lowkey, pre party drinking scene, then lakeshore is better. Witte is okay, I guess. Just see everything above. The dorm rooms are about 9x12. I think that's average. Ogg are a lot smaller, Witte and Sellery are a little smaller. Liz are a lot bigger.</p>

<p>Sorry to kindof hijack the thread, but I chose Liz as my first choice dorm, Adams second, and Smith as third. I really liked Liz because it's very pretty, and going to be co-ed next year. Looking on the web though, it seems like Liz is some sort of women's cult place with a lack of social activity. I'm no binge drinker, and I don't really like huge huge parties, but I do want alot of social activity. Is Liz/lakeshore dorms not for me?</p>

<p>Also, does it even matter which housing I listed? I kinda get the feeling that it's a complete lottery.</p>

<p>Liz might take on a new feel this year. There is little not to love about it. Coed now, very pretty, right on the lake, and a great location. Not to mention good food. Their is def. the cult-like womens thing going on, but perhaps that will shift to Cole?....There is nothing that will prohibit you from partying with the Southeasterners, and then going back to a slightly more subdued Liz Waters.</p>

<p>ill bump this for 2007 people...</p>

<p>i just got my university housing and am wondernig which dorms are best/most social and why... i read through this post but more opinions would be great</p>

<p>where's the best place for a transfer? I read that they have one transfer dorm but it sounds pretty **** private housing the way to go??</p>

<p>I'd check out the roommates wanted ads. Most sophs and up live off campus. Can be a crapshoot but then so are dorm roommates and in most houses you have your own room.</p>

<p>Housing is based off of first come-first serve the placement IS NOT based off of random order!!!! So the sooner you get your housing information in to their office the better off you will be in getting not only a spot in housing but your #1 choice in dorms.</p>

<p>i live in a private dorm (just came in htis semester with no chance to get anything else)
the dorm itself isnt bad at all, just a 2 minute walk from state street (about 10-15 minutes to bascom, which is sort of a measuring point to all other buildings on campus)</p>

<p>the food, however, is horrible. 8 dollars a meal and the food just plain sucks, i recommend if you live at the highlander to get the 10 meal a week program.
as far as partying goes, its pretty quiet here most nights, however we did get a keg here one night....madness :D</p>

<p>I picked liz waters as my first choice since it's close to the social studies building ... and then after that all the lake front buildings. I don't really want to be in any of the dorms on the south side of the campus.</p>

<p>Partying sounds awesome, but there will be parties all over, not just there. </p>

<p>I doubt I'll get my first choice though.</p>

<p>Even then, I'm tempted to live off campus because I kind of want to have my own private room and shower and such.</p>