Current Swattie - AMA and Videos about Swarthmore

Hi everyone,

To those were who accepted last night, congratulations!

To those who were waitlisted, keep your fingers crossed, and don’t lose hope! I have faith in you.

Anyways, with the whole craziness surrounding COVID-19 and the campus closure, as well as the cancellation of the Swatlight and Swatstruck events, I realize that it may be difficult to make a decision regarding your next four years. I am currently a first-year student and would love to help out!

If you want to get a feel for the campus and the vibes, please check out the following videos that I have made about Swarthmore:

I hope that these two videos will give you a good taste of our humble college. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to respond with them below! I would love to help.

Is Sharples THAT bad?

How are mental health resources for students that seek them?

How often do students take advantage of the Quaker consortium? Taking classes at Bryn Mawr, Haverford, UPenn?

Swat has a reputation for being extremely rigorous and intense academically… do you think this energy leeches from student engagement? For example my current highschool is extremely academics oriented/intense so I find our student body is very burnt out/lacks commitment and engagement in school culture, extracurriculars, events, etc. and as a result clubs don’t make much progress or reach higher grounds. In other words, how is the extracurricular engagement?

Is it possible to get good grades with an involved extracurricular life without losing TOO much sleep?