Current TAMU Engineering Senior, feel free to ask me any questions!


when they are choosing classes, say Math 151, is there more than one prof to choose from, or days, times, etc?


Generally yes, but our experience was that the standard first-year Engr courses were scant. For Math 151 everyone in the Engr room was very relieved to get ANYTHING. (Forget being picky as to Prof, time, etc.). Since Math 151 is a pre-requisite for just about everything else, there was lots of panic in the room.
Physics was also hard to get.
I hope the Advisors saw this problem, and were able to open new sections.

Thank you @AuntieMame. I hope you’re right and they opened new sections. A friend of my son just had his a week or so ago. He is actually Blinn Team so he had to go the first week of June for Blinn and then back a week later to register for the one class he needs at A&M. I think it’s archery or something like that, and he had a hard time getting a time for that. It was 8am or 5 something and those were his only choices, one day a week.

Right now, there are quite a few sections of Math 151 open (18) and most have a good number of seats open. Some have instructor names. Some are open that say tba for the instructor. This would be good news for us if there were not an engineering NSC today and tomorrow (June 22&23) and June 28 & 29 before ours on the 30th/1st. :frowning:

There are still several (16) not open. Some have prof names by them and some don’t.

Does A&M have a schedule builder? I recall watching my S1 register for classes one weekend he was home. He would choose the classes he needed and then 3-4 schedules popped up and if he didn’t like that particular arrangement, he could reshuffle them. That said, it is a much less competitive state school.

I don’t know of a “what if” schedule builder, but truly, there wouldn’t be time for that. I ~think~ the registration system will flag a time conflict, though. Classes for which you’ve registered will show up in Howdy, My Record, My Schedule.

My student grouped the classes by either Mom-Wed-Fri or Tues-Thurs, then indicated if it were a one-day only class.

However, this can get confusing when a recitation/lab/whatever is on a Tue-Thurs for a Mon-Wed-Fri class.

@Thelma2, we will also be at NSC on 6/30 - 7/1. I can’t seem to get through to my son that he needs to be building a schedule now. The fact that he doesn’t have his IB scores yet makes him think he doesn’t know what to register for. I’m going to make him build a schedule based on what A&M recommends and then have options if in fact he can skip some classes. I feel like I’m worried more than he is…I’m sure I’m worrying more than he is, lol.

We need to go have a cocktail, @Quirky813 and leave the kids to do their thing. <:-P I tell you, the schedule builder that was recommended was so helpful. my edu doesn’t work with TAMU anymore but free college maker does/
Makes for easy practice. Once son got a hold of that, it was a cinch. Plus, he’s way smarter than I am. My brain is old.
I suppose the important thing to do is Thursday night, after all is said and done, go look up the classes that have openings and write down the CNR numbers. Maybe build a few mock schedules and hope for the best.
I think they will teach them how to do it in the mandatory meeting from 830-1200, break for lunch and then the registration from 2-6. That’s happy hour for parents, I think :wink:
Son is staying in the dorm (Hullabaloo) and we are at a hotel.

(Actually, I am just a big talker. I’m not a fun date anymore. I’m yawning at 8:30) but if you want some peeps to hang with, Anothre engineering freshman friend and his folks are coming (I think both are) and Son’s roommate’s family is coming. My DH will be there Wed and Thurs but has to leave Thurs. night for business so I’m single parenting Friday :slight_smile:

@Thelma2, my husband cannot make this trip because of work and I’ll have our 13 yo with me or otherwise I would so be up for a drink! I feel like I’m going to need it. My son is actually staying with us in the hotel but now I’m thinking that’s not the best idea now. We are going to be making schedules whether he wants to or not. I’m going to save him from himself this time, lol. I’ll check out the link you copied, thanks.

Best of luck to you guys, @Quirky813 and @Thelma2. Hope registration goes smoothly.

Also one tip for registration is register for the 1 or 2 classes that only have a few seats left first. So have the course ID numbers written down next to the keyboard, have a tab opened with the timer with a second hand so you know when it gets about 5 seconds before opening in order to refresh the page and start enterning the numbers. Then submit those and hopefully you get in, then quickly add the other class numbers too.

See most people enter in all 5 or 6 class numbers first and then hit submit, younhave a better chance at getting in those popular classesnif you get do that number first. Hope this makes sense.

That is a great tip. Thank you. When you say ID number, you are talking about the 5 digit CNR number and not the 3 digit section number, yes?

Yes, 5-digit CNR. But I recommend having a list of them in a Text or Notepad file, so you can copy’n’paste. My student used Google Docs, and had it up in another window.
There’s no time for typos!

Just got done making my schedule today, I’ll pass along a tip my advisor was telling us. She says if you have scores you have not received yet, such as AP or IB assume that you will get credit for the classes and build your schedule that way

Yes the course ID number is the same as the CRN number. Ya you can also have them in a word doc in another tab but I find it faster to just type it in the numbers key pad but that’s just me.

Also be prepared to get an error registering for a class that has a pre req if the pre req hasn’t already been waived. Getting a good advisor can make your life 10x easier. Even I still get errors when registering for some classes because a freshman pre req hasn’t been waived because it was a transfer course and it wasn’t added to my degree planner, etc. My advisor was so cool we use to email back and forth all the time and when I ran into any issues he would always get me taken care of asap.

Just finished looking at the schedule and most of the classes are already full except for the evenings. I certainly hope they open up some new ones between now and this Friday when we register. My son says that all of the Creative Arts classes are “wook”…I’m guessing that’s bad, lol.

They will open up some more, they opened a few the night before my NSC, don’t expect a lot, there wasn’t very many seats to begin with in a lot of classes, specifically English and communication classes

@anthonys621 Unless things have changed the system will not let you register for a class without the prereq being satisfied. For example you can’t sign up for Math 152 if your AP scores showing credit for 151 have not been received. If your AP credit comes through later then you can change.

@kldat1 sorry I forgot to mention I was specifically talking about business. For business majors math 141 and 142 can be taken in any order. And I was really talking about other required credits not in the same line, for example taking a political science class instead of a math if you might get your math credits taken care of from AP. Or an English instead of history, etc.

Hey I hope someone can help cause I’m in a confusing situation! Everybody has been telling me that I need to apply to TAMU early but right now I have a 28 on the ACT so I don’t qualify for automatic admission (I’m OOS). I’m in the top 10-11% of my class but I am studying and know I can improve my ACT score to a 30+ after I retake the ACT this September. My question is: should I still apply earl yon August 1st with my 28 score? If I update my score and it is a 30+ in September will I be automatically admitted? Or should I just wait to submit my application entirely until I get a better score?? Thanks for any responses!!

I have an opinion :-), but you’ll get your most accurate information directly from Admissions. They genuinely want to help, so you can trust their answer.
Since Engr is a (sorta) separate application, to be safe you could also talk to EASA also:

I would still apply August 1st with the 28. You can update your scores at anytime and they will take the highest. They like people who apply early because it shows that you aren’t a procrastinator and you know what you want to do. Best of luck to you!

@ilovemath987 what would you recommend for first and second semester Core Curriculum courses? On the TAMU engineering website I found a page with the required freshman courses, ENGL 104, ENGR 111, MATH 151, PHYS 218, and (2) Core Curriculum Electives. What would you suggest I take which is easier, or at least with a lesser workload?