<p>im an international student ( im studying in nigeria) and i want to sent my common app but i dont know what to write for the things under current year courses. You guys school in semesters while we school in terms. Also i dont understand what they mean by Level, Title and credit value!
please help!!</p>
<p>Which courses/classes DO you take? In this year I mean?
Level usually is for IB… because there’s both Standard & Higher level subjects.
Credits is mostly for the uhh… okay call me ignorant but it’s one of the American systems, I’m not quite sure because I’ve never had to take it!
Title is pretty self explanatory.
e.g. for mine I put in courses in the form of “IB Psychology Higher Level” / “IB French B Standard Level” etc.</p>
<p>what does IB stand for?</p>
<p>International Baccalaureate. I probably spelled that wrong. I believe it is an international guideline used to standardize credit and rigor in academics.</p>
<p>In general, you could list how much credit you get for each class/course in your current system, and then you could, in the “Additional Information,” section, explain briefly what that means. For instance, “Generally a student takes X credits per year, and XX credits are needed over 4 years to graduate.” That should clarify the credit value that you list.</p>
<p>(Refers to post below, which seems to be in a different time zone).</p>
<p>Im also international and school in terms. I just listed my courses and put the same thing under each trimester. For example, if I did biology right throughout the year, I just wrote biology under trimester 1, 2 and 3 right across that first slot. I also did chem, so I listed chem under all 3 trimesters straight along in the second slot and so forth. It would look like this
Trimester 1 2 3
Biology Biology Biology
Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry</p>
<p>sry for the double post</p>
<p>^ International Baccalaureate.</p>
<p>He wasn’t talking about IB people. Not as far as I can see since he didn’t know what it was.</p>