Currently Enrolled Student Scholarships

<p>Any idea when decisions will be available for the scholarship applications that were due by the beginning of December 2012?</p>

<p>D applied for one in the HC but didn’t get it. She already has the Presidential and we felt a little greedy asking for more anyway :slight_smile: She was notified a couple of weeks ago, I think. I believe she also applied for general scholarships but hasn’t heard anything. Nor has she heard for study abroad scholarships.</p>

<p>Latte: was the HC scholarship app part of the general application due Dec 1, or was it something separate? If separate, can you provide any info on it? Thanks!</p>

<p>Aero, it was a separate scholarship app. The HC is still advertising a deadline for scholarship apps in Feb. I remember thinking “geez, she was told no while they are still accepting apps”. I do think “need” is a component as well, even though it isn’t need-based.</p>

<p>I know the honor’s college just had a travel abroad scholarship available (my son applied and didn’t get an award, but I think that was partially because he didn’t really have firm plans yet).</p>

<p>I know the honor’s college has another app for scholarships for next academic year, but I thought the deadline was still a few weeks away, I’ll go back and check their newsletters to verify.</p>

<p>I think Feb 10 is the deadline. Maybe it was a different scholarship my D applied for. I don’t know. It all gets a bit confusing and she didn’t keep a list.</p>

<p>Yep, newsletter said Feb 10 is deadline.</p>

<p>Info and app available here: [Honors</a> Scholarships | Honors College](<a href=“]Honors”></p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that the scholarship my D did not get was for study abroad. The email from the HC just didn’t clarify that. Not sure if she applied for the HC scholarship that is still open, but after getting the other rejection I doubt she will. I’m thinking they give those to students who aren’t already getting a Presidential and/or show significant need.</p>

<p>As to the OP, I don’t know when the general Dec 1 deadline scholarships will be announced. I believe my D also applied for those as well.</p>