Currently Getting A C+ in Honors Bio

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I'm a freshman, and I'm taking Honors Bio (with a current C+) for first quarter. I work SO hard and stay up so late, yet I seem to be getting a C+! Ugh! Will this hurt my chances of applying anywhere selective later on?</p>

<p>And does anyone have any study tips? Thanks!</p>

<p>I have the same problem with ap Econ </p>

<p>Check out Khan Academy and Bozeman Science</p>

<p>Turn off all your electronics, yes, all of them (unless required for the assignment). That includes your phone, music, computer, etc. OK, now work. And get enough sleep. If you are tired, no matter how hard you think you are working you aren’t accomplishing much. Get as much done as possible on the weekend so that you won’t be as tired.</p>

<p>Get a tutor, stay in for extra help, etc. try to get an a next quarter and do well on the exam and you should get a B for the semester which will not be the end of you </p>

<p>I currently have a B (not a C+ thank goodness I did well on the last test) but I am attempting to raise it to at least a B+ next quarter, but just by a whole lot of studying!</p>

<p>I have the same problem, I bomb all the quizzes and test though.</p>