<p>I failed, miserably.</p>
<p>Thought of cancelling the scores but am now simply resigned for the best. I omitted about 5 or 6 and probably got more than 20 wrong. Sucks. I thought Kaplan, Collegeboard's online practice and Sparknotes would be enough. </p>
<p>Sigh. </p>
<p>Does anyone know the general curve on SAT II Physics?</p>
<p>Sorry. Pressed the reply button a tad too many.</p>
<p>how do you know that you get more than 20 wrong?</p>
<p>I just estimated. I guessed a lot, and on some questions that are pretty basic I pretty much panicked. My guess is that I got more than that wrong, especially as I’m a klutz at calculations. Darn silly mistakes.</p>
<p>i guessed a lot too but i omitted 26 damnn, just want a 600+
how much did u get last time?</p>
<p>I did other subjects last time. I did well (>700), which makes this one a downer. I’m hoping that there’s some kind of Christmas miracle and we all get high scores. </p>
<p>(btw chainzz, are you really 28 years old, or are you messing with your profile? :O)</p>
<p>hahaha i just put a random age actually im 18, hoping the curve will be decent :/</p>