I appreciate everyone’s response and ideas. I would like to clarify the situation and perhaps answer some questions.
I was married for 2.5 years but the divorce proceedings carried out for years. After that I was dragged into court many times, most of which was because I wanted more time with my daughter - extra days per month, extra vacation time - all which I was granted. In fact, had 15 days a month with her and half of the summer. Like I said, extremely litigious and willing to spend every dime until a judge told her to do something.
Around the time when my DD had to chose a high school, her mom started alienating her towards me. She tried to get me to pay for a private HS, and when I would not agree to the same private school, she took me to court. After being dragged through the system and winning at extreme financial and emotional costs (not only to me but to my new wife and 2 children), I threw in the towel. I could not handle the 7th or 8th court appearance…this time a trial that would have been more expensive than hs. So for the benefit of everyone, I allowed mom and DD to relocate back to where mom grew up in a different state, far away. She had no legal right, but she had me and my family worn down. I had spent years needlessly defending myself. My current wife had to get a restraining order due to the threats. It was ugly, this 11 years after the divorce. The biggest thing though was how she alienated my DD towards me, the father that supported her, always paid her way and was there emotionally for her since she was an infant. It was heartbreaking and the most difficult thing I had ever done.
Fast forward to now. My DD has done excellent in a public school - an honor student. Did excellent on her SATs. I have had little or not contact with my ex over the years and I believe everyone’s life stabilized. My wife recovered from a near nervous breakdown and my younger kids were less stressed.
My ex has never remarried and has, what I believe, an unhealthy relationship with my DD. More of a friend than a parent. There are not many other people in her mom’s life…so her whole life is centered around my DD. I had kept in touch with my DD - birthday cards, texts but still many unreturned phone calls etc. There was not a lot of initiating on her part.
Then about 6 months ago, my ex called me and apologized. Said she purposely hurt me over the years, alienated my daughter and was filled with guilt. Said the move was the worst thing she ever did. She extended an olive branch.
I knew this was about paying for college though…
My daughter did the same. Told me she was sorry, that she pushed me away and wanted me in her life. We have talked here and there and we discussed meeting up for a weekend before she graduated. While I had not expected our relationship to be rekindled at this point, it started moving in a good direction.
By this time though, she had already toured schools, filled out apps etc, without any input from me. This was her and her mom’s thing and it happened before we really started talking again.
During this period my business turned south and I had some financial issues. I had to sell my house and downsize. I am in a position of taking no revenue and it looks like it will be that way for some time - until I can turn it around. This is when I realized that i needed to preserve what I had and needed assistance.
I had a heart to heart with my ex about this and she immediately became distraught. She turned into the animal I was familiar with. She called attorneys, CPA’s, guidance counselors…and probably the pope. She made assumptions that I was hiding money, was rich etc. She called me relentlessly and filled my voicemail as well as sent the most absurd tests, most unrelated to the college situation.
My DD had received a $11K merit scholarship to a private school which is about $62K a year. I had a little bit of sticker shock because I was not aware the school was that expensive. At the time I found this out, I was struggling mightily with my business. Like many other parents though, I want to get my daughter the best education I can afford.
I reached out to the financial aid department. For those asking as to why May 10, this was in early April. Yes, past the deadline, but the school assured me that they had plenty of aid to give out and they would do so until the end of June. They clarified what we all already know, that the custodial parent (my ex) needs to fill out the fafsa and her part of the CSS. In fact, this school will not even have a discussion with me about anything financial, or waive the CP portion of it. They urged me to get it done and they would go through my options. I even sent them my taxes and they would not assess.
Mom gave me every excuse in the book - we do not qualify, the forms are too hard, I should have done this earlier, I didn’t file my taxes and doesn’t know where 2014 is, she is afraid to make a mistake, she could go to jail if she fill this out wrong…basically, like someone else said, she did not want to fill it out because she wants me to pay the most and suffer. She could not focus on the fact that this was for DD and not me.
I contacted DD via email to explain the situation in the hope that she could get her mom moving. It was very similar to the letter someone else wrote in this thread. Totally heart to heart. I focused on my desire to provide her with a great education, what the education actually cost, explained the hardships and struggles I was going through. I included the letter from the FA dept explaining the process. I told her this should be a fun and exciting time for her, and we just needed to move on so she could get back to enjoying it.
She called me and spoke to me soon after and with her mom in the background, and did everything but offer help. Same responses as her mom. Why so late, this is too hard, can’t you fill it out for mom. Aren’t you responsible to pay. I told her that her and her mom had done so much work towards school, what was a few more hours. Asked her to do it for me, considering I was being asked to pay such a significant amount. Nothing. Not even a hey, we’ll give it a try. I even offered them to call me if they got stuck with the forms. Didn’t take me up on that either. My DD said that she didn’t need this on her plate right now (filling out the form) and understood her mom’s position. She said filling out the forms would be “stressful”. This from a girl that does 3-4 hours of homework a night
I tried one more time with FA today to no avail. The school did point out that they give the average freshman $25K in aid though.
continued below…