CWID and last name don't match?

My little sister applied to Alabama. She hasnt gotten an acceptance or rejection letter yet, but she got her CWID number in the mail. She also was assigned an Alabama email address. When she goes online to check her application status, it asks her to put her last name and the CWID, but then it tells her that the last name doesnt match the CWID. She tried her SSN (as I saw somewhere that Alabama suggested trying that too) and it also didn’t work. Everyone she’s emailed gives her the same list of information on how to check her application, but it doesn’t apply to her because step 1 is to log in using your CWID.
Does anyone here possibly know what to do in this situation? the IT department hasnt answered any of her phone calls or emails. Thanks for any help you can give me!</p>

<p>Sorry this is happening. Try calling again tomorrow assuming school isn’t cancelled.
(205) 348-5555 <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Yes, do call the IT service desk. I don’t think it will be closed if the school is closed. </p>

<p>For assistance contact the IT Service Desk at (205) 348-5555 or <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Are you sure that she’s supposed to put in her last name only? I don’t remember, but I thought my kids had to put in their first and middle initials, and then last name. like…ABJones </p>

<p>And I think sometimes a person may have numbers following… like…ABJones5678</p>

<p>Both of my kids’ Bama email addresses also contain their first and middle initials and a number in my son’s case.</p>