CWRU Biomedical Engineering

How do you know this?

In any event, how are you paying for undergrad school? The UCs provide zero aid for those who are not CA residents…so can you fully fund $65,000 a year to attend Berkeley if acceoted off the waitlist?

Medical schools will cost about $100,000 a year by the time you get that far (should you be accepted). Usually funded with loans, loans and more loans. And the bank of mom and dad.

Why isn’t practicing medicine in your home country one of your options.

How will you qualify for this visa?

My family applied for EB-5 in 2015, but the number of applicants is too large, so we have been waiting in line until now. Probably would have gotten it by now if the pandemic hadn’t caused the Congress to suspend this policy.

My previous threads may probably answer this.

Thanks! I only considered to be a BME professor either staying in the US or returning to my home country after PHD/Postdoc work, and had not thought about an academic career related to biomedicine/natural science.

At the moment, I am just concerned that since BME is a very popular program (I have already experienced the competitiveness from undergraduate application), the screening of international students is even more stringent. So I’m worried that I would also face the problem of being a non-US institution graduate if I wish to attend an excellent lab for PHD later.

You need to consult an attorney who specializes in US immigration issues regarding your visa status. Unless you personally are the EB-5 visa holder, your visa will be a derivative visa. (That is, your parent is the primary visa holder and you are granted entry as dependent child of the visa holder.)

As derivative visa holder, your PR eligibility ends when you turn 21. Even if your parents eventually receive their PR thru their EB-5 visa, if you are over 21 you will not and must file a separate immigration petition. Your parents can certainly sponsor you for entry once they have received their PR, but depending on your country of origin it could be years before your case comes up for review.


It is not that far ahead, but the doctors are better paid.

And is difficult toget into a competitive residency as a foreign medical school graduate.

Thanks! I will discuss it with my parents later.

What about this?

BME is not my area of expertise.

Can anyone provide some information on whether overseas undergraduates applying for BME postgraduate study in the US will be screened more stringently than local graduates? Or does it all depend on a GPA and research background? I know that region of graduation/nationality are both influential factors for undergraduate admission

I’ll bite. Admissions to most graduate programs are based on the strength of your application AND the department’s desire to have you as a member of the class cohort.

I’m not sure how your visa status affects your ability to work as a graduate student in any capacity. I’ll tag @happymomof1, @DadOfJerseyGirl and @MYOS1634 who may better understand this.

I do agree that an immigration lawyer can help sort this out for your family.

Sorry, the EB-5 visa OP mentioned is outside my area of expertise. In general students who are not citizens or permanent residents are limited to up to 20 hours of work on-campus. Working as a TA, RA or lab assistant, etc is allowed.

Additionally, the restrictions @WayOutWestMom mentioned in posts 17 and 25 make sense.

Grad students on student (F1) visa are able to receive departmental support (TA, RA, lab assistant) since those jobs generally have limited hours anyway. Independent research on their thesis topic isn’t counted toward employment hours since it’s not considered employment–it’s a degree requirement.

The only issue may be pop up is if the research program/project is supported through federal [defense] funding that may requires a security clearance. International students may not qualify for a security clearance, depending on their country of origin.

Only U.S. citizens can get a security clearance. Not even permanent residents (green card holders).

But the government can allow limited access to specific materials or project information to non citizens, by granting Limited Access Authorization (LAA) if warranted, and if the non citizen meets certain eligibility criteria.


In the past, the standard advice was that if you (even as an international applicant) didn’t receive an offer of full support for your PhD program, the institution was telling you that they didn’t think you were good enough. However, your potential Ph.D. admission is 4 years away. Everything in grad admissions can change between now and then because of funding resources.

Your potential professors in HK have contacts all around the world. You can save some money by studying there for your undergrad degree, and then coming to the US for grad school. Who knows, by then the best program for you could be in a different country entirely.

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Absolutely true. My SIL is an internationally recognized expert in his area of scientific/mathematical knowledge. He has colleagues all over the world whom he collaborates with on a regular basis. (And an even larger number of people he knows by acquaintance or reputation from conferences, international seminars, and refereeing their papers.)

You’d be amazed at just how “small” the research world is. Everybody knows everybody else in their field.

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Thanks! Are there any differences between applying a MS degree and a direct application to PhD after undergrad? From both career choice and application perspectives

It’s pretty uncommon to apply directly to PhD programs in engineering. Most engineering jobs do not require a doctorate. Engineering PhDs are typically only needed if you want to pursue an academic career. (Academic faculty salaries are much lower than what industry pays.)

Also some (most?) PhD programs require a MEng/MS for admission. But check the requirements for specific programs as there is a lot of variability.

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