CWRU Class of 2025 Decisions

I was accepted with 25,000 merit per year scholarship, even with sending my 1400 SAT score, for anyone who is debating sending for RD/EDII.


Application Type (EA) - My D was Accepted

SAT 1510 single sitting (780 M, 730 EBRW)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0 (all As; her school uses 100 pt scale)
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1st Decile (estimate top 5%)
AP: will have 8 APs and 1 post-AP at graduation (3 in Chem, 4 in French, 5 in APUSH, 5 in Eng Lit Comp)
Senior Year Course Load: AP Lang Comp, AP Bio, AP Physics C, AP Calc BC, Post AP French Lit, Peer Leadership/Psych
Major Awards: Smith Book Award, Social Entrepreneurship Award ($2500 grant), honor roll for 4 years, NHS, Cum Laude Society, Thescon international awards


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Global Leadership council (Communications Chair), Girl Scout Gold Award, Thespian Society (Pres), Fundraising for Childrens Hospital (VP & Communications Chair), Social Justice Club (Co-founder), other clubs with leadership, service
Job/Work Experience: babysitting, summer camp counselor, unpaid position in PR/Communications for online fan run multiplayer game
Internships: UGA Young Dawgs veterinary clinic, GA Aquarium


Scholarships/Fin. Aid Received: Michelson-Moreley STEM scholarship $27,500
Intended Major: Chem & Communications (pre-med)
State (if domestic applicant): GA
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Private
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): N/A


Congratulations!! I love that she is a thespian and is taking French Lit as my daughter is. Also what a brilliant girl!

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Oh, I love that our D’s have similar interests! Thank you! Happy New Year!

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My D was deferred, she just wrote a brief paragraph for the optional short answer. She deferred her decision to RD and sent her admissions counselor a note expressing that she was still interested. Now we wait. Good luck!


Keep in mind that last year, 28,000 students applied to CWRU for about 1350 seats…so there are going to be many excellent students that aren’t admitted. Do not make the mistake of thinking Case a safety or low reach.

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Anyone who ED’d- did you apply for PPSP? If so, accepted or rejected?

After reading posts, I think a lot of people don’t understand, Case is a need-aware school. They take financials into consideration when accepting and rejecting. You will see high stat kids with high financial need be rejected. There was a good article recently, talking about how need-aware colleges take EFC into consideration when accepting. It focused on Layfayette, but it was quite eye-opening. I need to find it.


@swimwiththefish Thanks for your post. If you find the Lafayette article, please post it here or PM me with the link. Thanks

Is it this article, @swimwiththefish?


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You can’t ED and apply for PPSP - everyone who does PPSP is considered for RD if not accepted.

On their site it says that you can apply for PPSP through ED1 or RD. That’s why I asked if anyone was accepted into PPSP ED.

Thank you bopper.

Right I forgot that you can - let me reword their policy.

Their policy is that you can, but all PPSP finalist decisions are revealed at the same time. If an ED applicant that is accepted does not get into PPSP, they are still obligated to go to Case.

Oh okay, I totally forgot about that. Apologies!

1350 seats were the yield 17% of 27% of applicants being accepted.
acceptance rate of CWRU was about 27%, translated to about 7800 applicants were accepted.
about 20,000 not accepted, not 27,000 rejected.

any source tot confirm CWRU is need-aware?
What they do? check your EFC and make decision? If need-aware, why did they give away 100’s of scholarship?


Do we know other need-aware school? I heard WUSTL is one of the NAS

Many private colleges are need aware once you are outside of they tippy-top schools. Here is an article that discusses the need for aid hurting students. At the bottom of the article is a list of some other “elite” need aware colleges: