CWRU Class of 2025 Decisions

Always ask…

Decision: Accepted

Application Type (ED/EA/RD): ED2


SAT I (breakdown): test-optional
ACT (breakdown): test optional
SAT II: none
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): idk
Weighted GPA: ~3.98?
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): n/a
AP (place score in parenthesis): AP stats (4)
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load: AP Econ, AP Calc BC, AP Psych, Anatomy, English, US History
Honors classes: Around 4 or 5 i don’t remember
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): nothing special. main ones are tutoring, varsity cross country, choir, Deca, and some clubs (Chemistry + Key club)
Job/Work Experience:
Volunteer/Community service:
Summer Activities:
Essays (rating 1-10, details): ~7.5-8.75/10 (topic is nothing special, but I approached it from a unique perspective (maybe) but it is honest, raw, and I think it shows my personality. It was also edited many times, with suggestions from many teachers. My English teacher and counselor also like it.

Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

  1. Language (8-9/10 I really enjoy learning languages, especially mandarin and I did well in class. She also witnessed my growth throughout 4 years)
  2. Math (7.5/10 Wasn’t close with the teacher but did pretty ok in class)
  3. Counselor( 8.5/9 she’s a really good person and I think she likes me)


Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Nursing or BME or Neuro
State (if domestic applicant):
Country (if international applicant): SE Asia
School Type: private
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): idk, ig international student

Scholarships/Finan. Aid Received: ~41k


@dcmpred If you want to do nursing and haven’t told admissions before make sure you let admissions know.

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ty i will!

Fantastic article. At least they have a plan in place and it actually makes sense. Now a lot of of parents and students need to sit down and come up with a thoughtful and realistic financial plan that works like Lafayette’s. Keep that student debt in check.

It would be interesting to ADD “Gender” to Hooks to see how gender matters;

What Sceince & Math classes are recommended? Is Calc needed or can my son take pre-Calc in Senior year instead?


What Science & Math classes are recommended? Is Calc needed or can my son take pre-Calc in Senior year instead?

What major are is your son considering?
For engineering it is assumed that you can start with Calc 1 as a Freshman…but many other classmates will have taken it. Also he may be competing with people who have already taken Calc 1.

For pre-med, say, it shouldn’t be an issue.

It is a holistic application. To be competitive Calculus should be taken senior year, as most applying would have taken it. That’s not to say people haven’t gotten admitted without it, I don’t know.

My son (an international student) applied for EA. He was admitted with Financial Aid of ~30K/year or the EFC is ~ 44K.

This EFC is not affordable for us, and, it is almost doubled the CWRU’s online cost estimation (FA is ~50K according to our input data). I understand that the estimation is for domestic students and that CWRU is need-aware. However, my son is admitted, and the calculation is too different.

Should we appeal for the FA re-calculation? any advice if we do so?

In fact, CWRU is one of my son’s 2-3 first choices (his intended major is Physics and Case has a quite strong undergrad Physics program). One of the reasons that he did not apply for ED was that I was afraid that the FA may not be enough (I am aware of that from several discussions on this forum).

Here is a post where someone tried to appeal Financial Aid: Merit Aid Max and appeals - #16 by alliblues

It won’t hurt to talk to them.

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BSMD or even Pre-med. He really wants to get into CRWU.

I would think for the PreProfessional Scholar program in Medicine ( PPSP aka BS/MD) he would be competing against other students that have probably taken Calculus. Always go for it but it depends on what is available at his HS.

As an alumni ambassador, I asked admissions folks about PPSP Students and this is what they said the typical PPSPer was like:

Very high academic achievement. Taking most demanding courses available and has mostly As. Testing in our top quartile, so basically, in the mid to high 700s on each section of the SAT or at least a 32/33 on ACT.

Excellent involvement in extracurriculars, well rounded, and significant
leadership roles.

Significant exploration of the field of medicine, such as volunteering,
shadowing, research, or some combination of those.

All he can do is the best that he can…there are many ways to get to Med School a BS/MD being only one.

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Admited students in-person tours to CWRU are available. Check your e-mails!!!

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Register by March 15! ( today ?) as tours are limited. The link to register was crashing earlier so perhaps the registration date has been extended. For those who are going - post pictures !

Does this mean regular decisions are out ?

Not yet - I believe the date for RD is March 27.

@ CogSci50 The link to register was only available after 8 pm, so if you tried before 8 pm you could not do the registration.

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Application Type (ED/EA/RD): RD


SAT I (breakdown): NA
ACT (breakdown): NA
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.83(ETS Conversion) 3.7(UPenn Admissions Advisor)
Weighted GPA: NA
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): NA
AP (place score in parenthesis): Indian schools don’t have AP but I took a bifocal Computer Science course for 2 years, which is meant to help prospective engineering students.
IB (place score in parenthesis): NA
Senior Year Course Load: Physics( Mechanics-II, Electromagnetism, Modern Physics), Chemistry( Inorganic, Physical, & Organic Chem), Math( Calculus, Algebra, Co-ordinate Geometry, Vector Geometry), English, Computer Science
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NA


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): 2 different Volunteer programs in hospitals ( Organized one of them)
Science Club ( Co-Founder )
Club Soccer & School Team (9th & 10th Grade)
A few HeroX Challenges (12th Grade, Didn’t win anything :frowning: )
Student Council ( Class Monitor & a candidate for leadership)
RSP - ( Student Cadet)

Job/Work Experience: None

Essays (rating 1-10, details): 8/10. Started by talking about different kinds of emotions, what they meant to me, and how they connect to my life experiences and life choices. For example, How I found my passion for Computers by being curious.
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): 8/10. One from my chem teacher, who is also the Principal of the School. Another one from my Math teacher, who taught me in 11th & 12th Grade. My chem teacher ( The Principal ) also acted as my counselor, as we don’t have one.


Applied for Financial Aid: Merit-Based only
Intended Major: Computer Science
State (if domestic applicant): NA
Country (if international applicant): India
School Type: State-Aided Convent School ( 9th & 10th Grade)
State Recognized Private School ( 11th & 12th Grade)
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): First Generation

Scholarships/Finan. Aid Received: $15,000 per year Merit Scholarship/ No FinAid