CWRU Class of 2025 Official Discussion Thread

yes, i received one! case has been on top of their game with this kind of stuff and their emails have been great…

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@CogSci50 @ttb1263 @DramaMama2021 Thank you all so much once again for the uplifting message! I was initially attracted to case since I want to go into cardiothoracic surgery and Cleveland Clinic has one of the best cardio departments in the US. Since case has ties with the hospital I was determined of getting in. But other schools have amazing opportunities like this as well, which is why I also fell in love with Emory since they had the headquarters of the CDC right on campus and many students do get internships/volunteering opportunities there!!

Congrats to everyone that got in and great choice to those who plan on attending!! I know a lot of people who attend case and they absolute love it!

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Just wondering, for premed, if one has to choose between Case and Emory,which one will be a better pick? If cost being equal or close to equal. Son got in Case EA, still waiting for Emory RD. Also got the bag with goodies, complete with a luggage tag. lol. Very nice of Case!

Atlanta has warmer weather, Emory has higher ranking.
Both schools don’t have a good sport program.
Depends on what your son looks for, both schools are good for premed students.

My D never considered Emory because it is too close to home so we never researched it! Ha. My knowledge is purely anecdotal and primarily coming from people who graduated more than 10 years ago. I also know several who went to the School of Medicine, but that of course, isn’t what you are asking about. :slight_smile:

I can tell you about the area around the main campus. It is a beautiful campus and in a safe area. We have several friends who live in the surrounding neighborhoods. There are plenty of trendy restaurants and coffee shops nearby. If you have specific questions along those lines, please feel free to ask.

I agree with @lemonlulu that the weather may be a consideration. Atlanta has much milder winters and it is rare to have snow. But when we do the city shuts down. The summers can be very hot and humid if your S is considering staying over summer term.

Both schools have Greek life but it isn’t an overwhelming part of student life.

Yes, Emory has a higher ranking (if you put a lot of weight on rankings), but I personally don’t think it that significant for undergrad. Both Case and Emory are great schools for pre-health. So if your S is deciding between those two in a couple months (and wouldn’t that be an amazing problem to have?!?!), I would consider cost, weather, fit, etc.

Thank you both for the replies. Very informative. Well I said if cost being equal but S got 30K scholarship from Case and we do not yet know if he will get in Emory and if he will get any $ at all. I really like Case and if he ends up attending Case I will be happy!


RE: Case vs Emory

If you are looking at pre-med also look at medical volunteering opportunities…how many are there, how easy to get to them, how easy is it to get one.

Also consider what your major will be: For pre-med you can major in anything you want as long as you take the required pre-med courses. At Case they have a single door admissions policy so you don’t have to “get into the Engineering Dept” if you wanted to do Engineering as a pre-med.

Consider research opportunities: Case has the SOURCE program to match students and professors for research. Undergraduate Research Office | Case Western Reserve University
Consider the college’s philosophy on undergraduate research opportunities…are there opportunities for undergrads or are there more for grads?

Consider support for Pre-meds…
What kind of Pre-Health Advising is there at Case?

** Case has a dedicated Pre-med Advisor, Wesley Schaub.**

The pre-health advisor also maintains a Pre-Health Professions Canvas page for current and past CWRU undergraduate students interested in the health science professions. The Canvas page provides additional resources for students and is used to communicate information about group advising sessions, application preparation and workshops, clinical and research opportunities, and guest speakers on campus. Students may request access to the Pre-Health Professions Canvas page by sending an email to Wesley Schaub.

You will need to take the pre-med pre-req courses.
Info can be found here:

**You may want to get involved in research. **Info is here:

You may want to volunteer at a hospital:
Case is literally surrounded by hospitals. For example:

You may want to get more info about applying to med school:
You could attend activities such as:

You might want to join a medically related student organization:

Explore CampusGroups ( ) for the most up-to-date information about student pre-professional and health-related organizations at CWRU.

Also consider net cost…Case often has good merit scholarships.

Consider housing: Case used to have all undergrads live on campus…but they don’t now I don’t think, but there is plenty of housing if you want to live in dorms or on-campus apartments.


Wow this is amazing amount of information. Thank you!

My daughter was deferred from Case’s EA and after weighing on all options, she decided to withdraw from Case. It’s a good school but it may not be a good fit for us.

Good luck to everyone who was deferred and reapply and those who apply RD.


Your daughter will find the best fit with the great stats. Good luck!

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You have a very talented young woman who is already leading the world!

@CogSci50 and @NJ08809

Thank you both for your kind words. Good luck to your kid but I’m sure they will success wherever they choose to attend.

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My student is considering doing the same. We still have 2 days to decide.

It’s such a great school, but maybe the deferred status was a letdown and there’s no longer any interest in going there.


@midwestmum @ttb1263 Hugs to you both. You are absolutely right that the perfect school is out there for your kids. They are both amazing and will find their fit (at Case or elsewhere).


When my daughter got rejected from her dream school in December - in hindsight it was the liberation she truly needed :slight_smile: I would have never envisioned saying that a month later !

Thank you for your insights! Good luck to your daughter!

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what are the types of stats that get deferred from cwru because of yield protection?

I have seen people with consistently high stats get deferred but tbh I still don’t know how I got in because my stats were no where near the average so it’s a weird system…

Ok just wondering cause I got deferred and I’ve heard a variety of things (possibly yield protection, didn’t demonstrate interest, essay rubbed off wrong, etc.) Case was definitely not my top school but getting deferred is making me more nervous about schools that I am excited for and I don’t know how worried I should be

Case is also need-aware. The ability to pay is taken into consideration for admissions.