CWRU Class of 2025 Official Discussion Thread

@SmartyMC—they always say it never hurts to try; we had luck at Carnegie Mellon when my oldest daughter showed better offer from somewhere else. They matched. But generally, nope. Private schools have more ability than publics. Frankly, my daughter got into 4/5 highly selective schools she wanted and she got into Case Western but the FA isn’t enough at any of them so she’ll be attending a less selective but still very good school. Ultimately, I’ve seen kids do well at any school where they put their mind to it, so it’s disappointing but "free"ing to not have as much debt and to leave college with less pressure. :slight_smile:

@Neurorocks03 Very cool! My D21 got $21K with 32 ACT and 4.6 weighted GPA (don’t recall UW). I’m impressed they gave you so much. That’s awesome.


My son checked and got in. 26k Scholarship.

It’s been a crazy 3 months. A few more decisions remaining.

Good luck to everyone.


Hi. Any international that got in with a merit scholarship?

Read previous comments…I saw one with $15K and one with $5k

thanks…i inadvertently missed the 15k one. saw the 5k as need based aid.

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any word of scholarships?

They were included in the acceptance letter.

I’m still waiting on them too :confused:

i mean the one’s due jan.15

This is weird. How can a student with such high stats get waitlisted? CWRU is ranked 42. This is not Princeton or Harvard. You can get into better universities.

Not too weird for Case Western from what I have come to realize. I am in same boat and yet accepted at University of Michigan, Carnegie Mellon, Emory, University of Illinois (CS), Northeastern and few others (including full tuition scholarship at a state flagship) with top stats (valedictorian in a large public school that Case knows about), 3.95/4.46, 17 AP/DE, 36 ACT :grinning: and many leadership positions / EC’s.

Not drawing any conclusions, but each school needs to manage their business the way they choose to. Unusual year for sure …


Yield protection


My son was waitlisted too with 1520 SAT,4.58 GPA, 11 AP courses and currently enrolled in 2nd year of college math (differential equations). Applied as a math major to boot. Lots of EC and some leadership.
Case specifically mentioned at their info session that they love to see kids who take the toughest rigor available to them and exhaust subjects. Sooooo :thinking: makes ya wonder.
He’s scratched it off his list now, but one can’t help but wonder why waitlisted.


He got accepted to U of Rochester ,
U of Pittsburgh and Boston University for Premed .
CMU - priority waitlisted
Case Western - waitlisted

Need to make a choice now


I think many people are baffled by decisions they receive this year. As a parent it’s hard to keep them motivated when you know that they’ve done everything humanly possible to set themselves apart. All the best to your son.


My daughter was waitlisted also. She had pretty good credentials and we had toured the college before the pandemic. ACT: 34; GPA: 4.0/5.3; attends a public residential high school for the arts that admits only 15 students - across the state - in their writing program; and she’s the top student (but they do not rank, officially) in her competitive high school (in which a number of kids get into Ivies). But waitlisting appears to be a common theme this year. She has received 3 acceptances and 3 waitlists, so far.

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I am having a hard time understanding Case as well. My son got deferred and now wait listed. He has shown interest since Case likes when kids kiss their @$$! Apparently, it wasn’t enough. He has to continue to do so if he decides to be on the waitlist.

He has gotten in at BU, Northeastern, UofMiami, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSD, UCIrive, UofRochester…smh

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So true! With Case, it’s so very odd. He went to an in person tour and info session (way pre Covid), then Someone from Case came to his high school for another info session and he attended that, it was just him and one other person. So he definitely was on the list for showing up to that. And then he attended about three virtual info sessions over the summer. The good news is, as time has gone on he has lost interest in that school, and Cleveland. So getting put on the waitlist is no big deal for him thankfully. But I would feel awful if this was his number one choice, or only choice. Thankful that’s not the case (no pun intended :wink:).

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I hope he is very happy where he ends up :slight_smile: