CWRU vs Purdue vs UC Davis for Business Econ

Hi everyone, I’m a HS senior who got into these 3 colleges and would love advice on which of these would be best for a future in business/economics. CWRU is my most expensive option; Purdue is in the middle (affordable), and UC Davis is slightly more affordable than Purdue.
Where would I have the most opportunities as a business-econ student, i.e. research, internships, contacts?

  • CWRU (I got admitted to the Weatherhead School of Management) – Business/Econ
  • Purdue (I got admitted to the John Martinson Honors College) – Business/Econ
  • UC Davis – Econ

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All three - in fact, it will be more encumbent upon you to take advantage of the opportunities, whether research or career guidance.

Where do you feel most comfortable? Assuming you can afford it and your parents want to afford it, that’s where you should go.

They are three unique environments from one another.


A few comments;

-Spend some time and reaearch what benefits the honors program at Purdue offers - at some colleges the advantages are meaningful.

-I would eliminate CWRU as it sounds like it is not comfortably affordabe.

-Compare the curriculum for Econ at UCDavis and Business/Econ at Purdue. See if there is a meaningful difference and if one path is more appealing to you.

-The weather will be different if that matters to you.

-If possible try to visit (or re-visit) your top options.


You need to give your intended major under business (e. g. Accounting or finance or ma letting) since each school has its own strength. Based on what you do have provided: Purdue is my choice among 3

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If having a business school and options to change major or take additional classes in finance/accounting/data analytics are important to you then i would lean towards purdue.

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I would do a deep dive into your affordable options. No reason to have unneeded debt. What school can you easily change your major /interest if needed? Students change their direction all the time. Which schools clubs /activities do you see yourself doing and getting involved in? You, the student, becoming an active member of campus is one way to set yourself apart.

Are the schools clubs inclusive or selective? Some business programs have clubs but even for business students they are hard to get into. That to me is a turn off.

BTW - no college will get you internships /jobs. Only your active resume can do that.

So the question becomes.
Where do you see yourself at?


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