CWRU withdraws application for unsubscribing from their emails

My son most certainly did not unsubscribe. And we paid for the app so telling us that they want to pull his app was really maddening. But he wasn’t opening every email either. I also wasn’t opening up every spam email that I was cc’ed on either. The barrage of emails becomes a turn off. He did respond, and they responded back to them. However, this whole situation of showing love by opening up every email is over the top. I’d rather they reject him than pull off this email that he unsubscribed. Will they refund me the app fee? He’s busy with classes, has ECs that are time consuming, and he has a job. He barely reads emails that I forward to him! Also I don’t have access to any of his portals, emails, etc where the parent could be helping the kid demonstrating interest.


If you’re no longer interested, you should ask for a refund - and send your “post” so they could see the disdain they cause.

Admittedly, they’re likely monitoring the thread and know anyway.

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Unfortunately we are in RD purgatory because we have nothing really in the bag!

As a parent of a current junior and senior, I :100: agree.

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If you did not unsubscribe…Case needs to hear this. Something really could be messed up on their end.

Good luck with regular decision wherever!


Posted on another thread:


You’re sort of backtracking now, for this situation you say the rules are clear where before you were talking about the rules are as clear as a sports rulebook, which anyone playing the sport can see. And the google search brings up sources that are not CWRU, but what other sites think. Again, it would be like not finding a rule about soccer in the governing organization (FIFA) handbook say, going to a related site to find not the rule, but its interpretation. The rules can really only be on the college’s website or said by someone representing the college for it be clear and respected. Also the CDS has 12 things more important than interest and if we are to believe the information by posters on C/C, they’ve done well on the very important and important ones.

“I would think you would applaud their direct and transparent approach.”

Their approach may be fine for them but there is nothing good about the tone of the email, which in many cases is more important than the content, as I mentioned. Transparency doesn’t mean you can say something that can be interpreted as offensive, which this email could be.


Actually I never was that specific nor made that link. I did however use a sports analogy to highlight a point of view.

I think my prior posts speak for themselves including suggesting the tone of the email could have been improved.

As always thanks for your insight and advancing the conversation.

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A reminder that debate is not allowed on CC.
Let’s move forward please.

I think they really need to move beyond emails to connect with students. If they want to inundate a student’s mailbox with spam with the goal of determining who will weed through them to show they’re interested - so be it. But I can tell you both my kids HATED the emails. If they liked a school, they followed them on instagram (sometimes multiple accounts for various things they were interested in). If there was specific information they wanted, they went to the website. The emails were more than likely to annoy them, then provide meaningful information or connection. As I said, it’s their process, but I don’t have a whole lot of respect for the idea that clicking thousands (and I do mean thousands) of emails is necessary for a student to demonstrate interest.

And I am thankful I was on CC early enough to hear the advice of separate email account early in the process. I can’t imagine how much worse it would have been if they were all going to their school accounts.


I agree with your first sentence - connect with students.

My daughter got into Honors at U of SC - and they sent a ton of post cards about Honors…so somewhat targeted - but just everything you already know over and over.

College of Charleston - yes, much less pedigree, etc. but the Dean of Honors and a Professor called - so that made a huge difference.

I get it - they can’t do that at huge colleges - but when you talk about moving beyond emails to better connect - that’s an example.

And that’s where she ended up - even though it was the 16th lowest ranked of 17 she was admitted to.


Northeastern was one of a handful of schools that sent a fee waiver to my six figure household in PA. If I recall correctly, the letter seemed fairly generic.

My D was on waiting list (BSMD) … today she withdrew from CASE (as she wants to give path to others, and she got accepted and decided to go elsewhere)

CASE was prompt in responding with the email double checking to remove the notification and withdrawal.

What’s wrong in it.

I appreciated that response… if you withdrawn they are checking again and if you really did then it means you are “no longer interested”

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Did your daughter notify them saying she was not going to attend? If yes, that’s different than what OP did. OP unsubscribed from their emails.

Yes she did and the process is same.
She unsubscribed with the option , mentioning that option.

That’s they send you a follow up email asking “you to correct (if it’s a mistake)”.

Personally i don’t have problem (and really liked that they confirmed her action again. what else can anyone do)