
<p>Many people say Case is not in the best part of town, but is it really an issue? Has there ever been any recent incidents? Also, how is campus social life? I am not the drinking, party-type but do like to have a good time.</p>

<p>as to the first question, I personally haven’t experienced crime happening to me personally. but have gotten several security alerts about crimes that happen to other people. the north residential village is close to east cleveland. a couple years ago, the crimes happened in the south side dorms in the elephant stairs. now, the crime is hitting this area. Like I said, I haven’t experienced anything. but crimes do exist. mostly burglary. and burglary of bicycles. there are a few instances where students from the university got hit with gun point and then the people demanding money. almost all of the people who demand money like that have reported by the victims as “black male”. not to be racist, but the surrounding area is quite poor. so as the economy goes down, I think you can expect some level of crimes. but nothing major.</p>

<p>one incident. a black male asked a conservatory student for money. he gave the person 40 bucks and then the victim ran.</p>

<p>people being held at gun point is nothing major? sheesh. that makes me a little uneasy.</p>

<p>i’ll agree with xtra. I’ve never had anything happen to me, but its definitely not unheard of. If you don’t walk alone late at night, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>I’d like to give a longer post regarding social life, but unfortunately its finals time, and i’ve gotta go study- so i’ll have to get back to you.</p>

<p>yeah, not that common but still exists</p>

<p>i’ve spent a lot of time at case, and honestly, i couldn’t feel safer. </p>

<p>i heard about that incident as well— the reason everyone knows about it is because it’s such an isolated case. </p>

<p>there are constant patrol cars and greenies (buses that take you where you need to go at all times of the night for all of you party-goers) to watch over you. i’ve gone wondering out at 3 a.m. and never felt the least bit uncomfortable. </p>

<p>it really is a comfortable, pretty campus, despite its setting.</p>

<p>I mostly agree with what people have been saying. Let me emphasize: don’t be stupid and you’ll probably be OK. In other words, don’t walk alone at night, don’t carry loads of cash (with your CaseCard and debit/credit card you don’t need much cash anyhow), etc. Most incidents involve people being alone at night in areas they just shouldn’t. That being said, I usually am an idiot (I’m a girl who walks alone at night all the time with a heavy backpack that would weigh me down…) and I’ve been fine. You can also get a security escort around campus if you’d like to be on the safe side (honestly I’ve only ever used it once). So basically, you should be fine if you’re not stupid. Oh, and if you are alone at night, biking is a lot better–I’ve never heard of anyone getting mugged on a bike. But as far as jneohio’s comment that ‘I couldn’t feel safer,’ I mean seriously, it is Cleveland, colleges in little quaint towns off in Idyllicville are going to to be safer.</p>

<p>Oh, and social life, you should find tons of other posts asking this same question (and being answered) so I won’t go into too much depth, but basically I love my friends here, we have a great time. I don’t drink because I’m underage, but we find other fun things to do, from going out to dinner (yay! ladies night La Dolce Vita) in Little Italy to to midnight Taco bell runs, from chatting until 2AM to going to some campus dinner/event/play. But that’s just me, so if none of those things interest you, you can probably find someone else you want to hang out with…Also, check out Greek Life, even if you’re not a ‘Greek’ type of person (whatever that is) there are lots of non-‘typical’ Greeks–like me:)</p>

<p>by the way, I like how this thread is called Cwru (the “correct” way to address case), not Case.</p>

<p>Crime happens, but it’s mostly limited to people who decide to walk around campus (surrounding areas) alone at night. Most incidents happened the first month of classes, and there is a lot of patrolling by two separate police forces, but can be avoided by being smart. There’s on campus transportation during the nights, and an escort service if you don’t want to walk alone at night. East Cleveland and downtown is seedy, high crime and poverty, a lot of typical urban problems.
Socially there is things to do on and off campus, whether it be coventry or downtown, and the RTA or train can get you anywhere.I found the on campus stuff gets old pretty quick, as in the same frat/sports team parties with cheap beer. There’s other things to do if you look, but its not like an Ohio State type school where there’s always a ton of stuff to do. Not a lot of school spirit, def. not a football or sports school.</p>

<p>I have two sons at CWRU & yes there are some problems every once in a while. I always tell them to make sure they carry a $20 bill on them at all times - that way they have something to give the person and you are less likely to be harmed. Usually if you are with at least one other person you are much more likely not to be a target. My sons do not feel unsafe & they are out at all hours of the night.</p>

<p>As far as things to do? It is up to you. Get involved early. There are frats/sororities that are a lot of fun for the people who like that sort of thing & they do have parties. Remember, college is what you make out of it, but I will say that CWRU is a pretty hard school academically & a lot of the students do tend to study a lot. If you budget your time though you will have enough free time for socializing.</p>