Hey everyone. I plan on getting my
Computer networking certificate in
October then my associates degree. I want to get a bachelor’s in cyber
Security/digital forensics. What are
Some good universities for that?
Cybersecurity or digital forensics are very specialized programs more likely to be found on the graduate level. Someone else also asked this question a few months ago, and doing a little research I found that it seems most people who work in that field have degrees and expertise in computer science. It’s easy to train a computer scientist on the forensics/law enforcement skills they need to find crime; it’s hard to go the other way around. So if you want to get into this field, a major in computer science is probably best - maybe with a minor or some coursework in forensics or criminal justice.
In cybersecurity, certification matters more than a degree. ComptTIA certifications like Security+, CISSP are what get you hired in the field.