<p>I didn't want to totally jack the other thread, but could someone (I) get in with [at least] a D and 2 C's if it's in their freshman year? I know it's better to have an upward trend with grades I'm just wondering if UF notices/cares about that or not. After freshman year I got all a's and a few b's then straight A's, with all honors classes. Thanks :)</p>
<p>What is your GPA? What are your SAT/ACT scores? Your post is to vague.</p>
<p>Right now I don't know my exact GPA but it isn't good, but if I get all A's this year and next year I would be going into my senior year with a 3.8 UW.</p>
<p>The one thing that I have noticed with all schools, in general, is that they love to see an upward trend! It shows them that you may have made some mistakes in the beginning but now you have matured and know what you need to do. I have also seen that many schools put a heavy emphasis on the junior year. I would work my ass off and maybe use this subject as your essay by letting them know what you have experienced and what you have learned! Good Luck.</p>