D exposed to Covid - questions about family gathering

Covid is exploding. Niece just arrived in AZ and is in for testing less than 24 hours after landing. Daughter-in-law won’t be seeing her sister Christmas Day, as sister thinks she has it. She is 7 months pregnant and unvaccinated.

I wrote on the travel topic that we are in Utah skiing on vacation where D2 has tested positive for Covid. We think she picked it up in NYC when she was there for a long weekend. She felt really bad Monday, a bit better yesterday and today is much better. We are wearing masks inside around her, but H, D1 and myself have no symptoms. We will not have anyone over for Christmas. We will all get tested next week if we continue to have no symptoms just to make sure we are not asymptotic. We are all vaccinated and all received our boosters in November. This is the world we live in now.

I expect we will be going through numerous test kits the next week. S and DIL just getting out of their 10 day period (and testing negative) but we’ve vowed to all test frequently for about 4 days when different mixes of family will be together. 5 family Members will have had Covid within the last month - 4 of the 5 have been vaccinated. My S and DIL Had it but DILs mom who is currently living with them and boosted did not get it.
We have a stack of test kits and are not afraid to use them!


Just heard from DS who was supposed to fly home for Christmas on Friday. He tested positive even though he’s fully vaccinated and boostered. My 100-year-old mother lives with us right now so there’s no way he can even think about coming. :cry:

Same here - we were supposed to fly to my family up north tomorrow morning by D21 tested positive this morning. Had to cancel all the flights and rental car and overnight the presents to the family. So sad to miss Christmas with them two years in a row but glad D only has slight cold type symptoms.


Your concerns are warranted, because of Omicron. In colleges with 98% vaccination rate and full testing - it only took one week to explode 10 to 20 fold!

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Know of a casual Birthday party (nothing crazy) - all 5 tested positive within days. All were fully vaccinated. Fortunately, no serious illnesses and they are now quarantining together in one apartment, making it overall bearable.

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So it’s been 5 days since D2 attended the Ugly Sweater party and two days since her fiance became symptomatic and tested positive. She still has zero symptoms. She had received the booster exactly one week before she attended the party.

Crossing fingers.


I was at a gathering of four women on Monday. After the gathering, I was informed I had been exposed. The infected person felt unwell on Tuesday and informed me yesterday (Wednesday) that she was positive. Upon learning of this, 48+ hrs after exposure and 24+hrs after friend received confirmation, I tested at home and was negative. I’m definitely feeling sub-par, but could be psychosomatic!

D was also informed she’d been exposed and so she also tested last night and was +. She did another rapid test a couple of hours later and that was still +. A couple of hours after the second + she did another test and it was -. I told her she’d probably scraped all the + cells away in the first two tests and she should get a PCR. We are awaiting the results of that!

How reliable is a positive home kit?

S had his booster yesterday, he’s down for the count today.

The dog is sneezing and vomiting, and H is fine!

Happy Holidays!

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A positive home test is very reliable and she should assume she is positive. There are more false negatives than false positives.


Very, if it says positive. The rapid test, when it says yes, is about 99.8% accurate. If it says no, it’s only 93% accurate, I think. I don’t know why she kept testing. She’s been exposed, and she’s got it. Dog probably has it too!


Confirmed. PCR=Positive test for D :frowning:

We went to a small indoor party last Saturday. The hostess requested that everyone be vaxed and boosted. A number of people were not able to come for that reason and the hostess believed everyone complied with her request - all close friends. She is very careful because she has preemie granddaughters that she sees regularly.

Well, one attendee just tested positive (all I know is “results came today”- someone else posted it to the Evite message board and somehow he learned she had not been boosted). Two other attendees have had rapid negative tests since the party. No one has any symptoms (actually, don’t know about the positive attendee). Hostess believes the positive attendee caught COVID after the party.

Husband and I will have previously scheduled PCR tests on Monday. It’s unlikely we could find a rapid test before then anyway. So I’m not really worried - but am a little worried!

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Is there an Air BNB cave that I can stay in for awhile?

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Yup, one of those dots belongs to my daughter, who boosted a week prior to Thanksgiving.

Tested positive on Sunday, was cranky, tired, and pretty congested for several days. She started to feel better today and was texting me about some cookie recipes she would like to try baking.

We (husband, son, me) have used up a bunch of tests on ourselves (all negative). I’m saving my daughter a box so that she can test herself on Day 9 and Day 10.

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For those testing positive, what are you doing to treat the patient? Same as for a regular cold (fluids, pain meds, buckets of Nyquil? ) Any meds from the doctor?

D has taken NyQuil to help with sleep and congestion. I offered her Tylenol but she said she didn’t need it during the day. She drinks a ton of water and fruit smoothies. I also got her fruit ice pops in case her throat bothered her. That’s it.

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I just posted on the wrong thread. For those who have contacted Omicron, or your kids or family, what are the symptoms they displayed?

My oldest, a week after his booster, had a runny nose for a couple of days and a little fatigue. He only did a rapid test because he was told he was exposed twice in 2 days. His symptoms were so minimal that without the known exposures he wouldn’t have bothered testing.


Whew, hostess just posted that attendee had tested negative day before party and it’s confirmed she caught it at a Speakeasy she went to after our party - three different people she went with are also positive. So our party was fine and guy who put it out on Evite didn’t have all the facts straight.

So (1) I appreciate our hostess getting the info out during the night so that when the heavy rain woke me I saw it and hopefully will fall back asleep and (2) bars are indeed dangerous right now.