D in high school, can I still get into a UC

<p>Hey guys, I’m an upcoming junior in high school. During my sophomore year first semester I got 4 A’s, 1B, and C. I live in California, and am taking honors, so my GPA was a 4.1. But during the second semester of my sophomore year I got 4 A’s, 1 B, and D in algebra 2 honors. My GPA was a 3.8. Right now I’m retaking the class. If I get an A my new GPA will be a 4.3 and though the D will still be on my transcript it won’t have any affect. Anyway I was wondering if the D would majorly impact my chance of getting into a good UC, like Cal, UC Irvine, or UCLA
Also if it helps, during my freshman year my GPA was 4.0 UC weighted</p>

<p>Also, the GPA I included is my weighted GPA, my UC GPA is about the same. </p>

<p>Freshman year isn’t looked at in terms of GPA, but they do look at the classes you take. The D will definitely hurt your chances for Cal and LA, but as long as you keep up your GPA for junior year, you should be fine for the rest of the UC’s. </p>