<p>I am a junior in high school and I have had pretty good grades throughout high school, as of last semester my UC GPA was 3.9 and I only got one C in precalc in the fall semester, aside from that, mostly A's and some B's. I take all honors and AP (except where it is not available which in my case is French) and next year I am enrolled to take 4 APs. However, I am going to receive a D in precalculus this semester (after having a C all semester). The schools I am highly set on include UCSB, UCD, AND UCSC. UC Davis is a reach school and I was considering USC, Pepperdine, and possibly UCLA just in case. However, with this D, I am heart broken. I don't know what to do. Should I try and make it up at a community college over summer? Or will one D not completely ruin my chances? College is what my life revolves around and I feel like now the last 3 years of hard work is for nothing because of this D.</p>
<p>Also: I want to major in English Literature/Creative Writing….MATH IS NOT MY FORTE!!!!</p>
<p>If a CC close to you offers it this summer, take it and be sure to earn at-least a B.
Best of luck to you.</p>
<p>Are you aware of Pepperdine’s religious affiliation? There are 14 mandatory conferences per year and I know a few people who regret their decisions because they didn’t know the religious commitment. All they saw was a pretty Malibu campus</p>
<p>Annie, yes I have done research. It is very close to my area and since I want to stay close to home it is one of my considerations, I would have to do a thorough visit but where I am right now I do not have a problem with the religious affiliation! Thanks for the warning though!</p>
<p>Really? What is wrong with 14 religious conferences a year? Even if you are not religious or have any care for it, Its no different than sitting in lecture hall. We should never let minor stuff like that distract one from a GREAT education. Malibu is a great place to be and Pepperdine is even GREATER.</p>
<p>@ccco2018 There are mandatory conferences and church services. It is painful for people of other faiths to go through that.</p>
<p>@AnnieBeats There is nothing painful about getting knowledge or experience in life. If it is required then it must be done. People sit through comedy sessions, movies, class discussions, political debates, various forums etc… with or without interest because sometimes they are required… So I am trying to figure why this one is different or like you said…“PAINFUL”.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion and feelings, but to think that someone needs to hear about it, is not relevant. I am sure OP has done her homework on the schools religious affiliation before giving it a thought.
BTW you made no attempt to answer OP’s question, but out of the blue “WARN” about the schools requirement. Sounds quite BIASED if you ask me.</p>
<p>I don’t understand if math his not your strength and you want to be an English major, why are you taking pre Calc in HS? </p>
<p>An English major in college would not take Calc so why do you need to take pre Calc? </p>
<p>OP already took the class, and the “D” grade is what he/she is looking to redeem for college entrance purposes. I guess, so to be competitive enough with the more than perfect candidates that keep showing up every year.
If Op can substitute that D by an AP or retaking the class at a local CC, it mightl not only raise her GPA but also a good look on her overall academic transcript…</p>
<p>I am thinking that Pre Calc in CC would only be harder than Pre Calc in HS, so taking it again might be spitting into the wind as people say. </p>
<p>Maybe the HS would let you re take the Pre Calc course senior year? It would definitely be easier the second time around. </p>
<p>Try retaking it online in Summer.</p>
<p>I can take it again next year, but since I am a junior it will not replace the D I am receiving. For those asking, I am taking precalc because I need the competitive factor. If I would have stopped at the minimum amount of math required, it would have seemed minimal. I just learned that getting in to retake the class at a CC is very hard and probably not likely that I will be able to get in. Do I stand a chance at UCSC or UCSB if I keep this D? Is it possible that they will see that math is not my strong suit? Can I just mention I know precalculus, I just happened to get that one teacher that every one warns you about who has absolutely 0 sympathy for anyone. I put my blood and guts into this class and I still did not pass.</p>
<p>I would also like to mention that I have dedicated EC’s, I have been in Relay for Life for 3 years, done around 40 hours of work at homeless shelters, and am volunteering at a hospital this summer. This D is really coming off as life shattering. I did look into an online retake but have yet to determine if it is an option for me or not.</p>
<p>Wow, are you me? I received a C in 1st semester pre-calc and got a D second semester. Now I feel like its screwing up my chances. </p>
<p>^ I feel like starting a thread to warn high school students from attempting PRE-CAL or CALCULUS if they are not planning on embarking on STEM/ECONOMICS MAJORS. I see this issue so many times that I sometimes feel that high school counselors are not zeroing well on the students needs and best interest.</p>
<p>Same thing!! I got a C, and then a D. It’s really stressing me out. I looked into taking it online and talked to my counselor and I will probably do that, how it only averages my grade out, not replaces it.</p>