D is in Anyone else??

<p>Anyone else out there a Carroll admit or the parent of one?</p>

<p>Son was just accepted. Need to visit soon</p>

<p>we are going to the “A Night on Us” event in March. It’s a Fri/Sat thing and they put you up in a Helena hotel for the Friday. Maybe we’ll see you there. :)</p>

<p>We’ll check out those dates. We need to go and visit Carroll, College of Idaho, U of Idaho and Washington State. We will do a loop, but we’ll want to see Carroll at least one “school day” and talk to someone in the math department. I’ll PM you if we go and we can try to meet up</p>

<p>HistoryMom! Good for you! The campus will do a great tour for you. If you want to connect with my daughter while you are there to ask “California” questions, pm me. Amazingly, my D found out a girl down the hall went to school with her at the same middle school in Mariposa, years ago!</p>

<p>Raptordad - H and I just love this school - S is at best noncommittal
We are going in a couple of weeks, to do the tour and son will audition for a music scholarship. Interestingly we got a call from the Comp Sci department today, encouraging S to visit and come meet them. The school seems like a really great place. If the math and comp sci are as high powered as S wants, I am hoping this will be a choice for him. They have given him their best scholarship, and now are calling - hey, you gotta like being “wanted” right? Arghh so hard to second guess these chillens.</p>