D on transcript?

I was wondering, if you have a D on your second semester of Spanish 2, does that make me ineligible to apply to uc’s? since they require C’s and over on a-g courses. But, I was able to complete Spanish 3, since I got an A my first semester.

(The teacher lost 2 of my exams, and also refused to let me make up for them second semester. I don’t think I should include that in my comments, or should I? It sounds sorta whiny, but it’s true. Also, I was planning to explain how I could not retake the course over the summer due to my financial situation, my parents cannot afford to pay $200 for an internet course. - or should I just take Spanish 2 again during senior year? would that even matter?)

you can apply but are ineligible got UCs and CSUs. Unless you plan to head to a CC, you should re-take the semester.