D will be freshman with undecided major. Advice on setting class schedule?

<p>New college mom…My daughter is a middlin’ good student with no current goal (making her Type-A mom crazy). Any guidance on planning her schedule for freshman year? Any help for me on coping with this lack of goal and letting her spread her wings? I have few fingernails left…</p>

<p>What majors can you eliminate?</p>

<p>She truly has no idea. I think she will just stay undecided, if there is such a thing at Bama. Not a science type. Needs to fulfill all the usual requirements that will be needed for any major. </p>

<p>Students with undeclared majors are placed in the College of Arts and Sciences. It is possible to be undeclared engineering, business, etc., and be in those colleges.</p>

<p>I would suggest that your daughter consider a major through New College, which is part of the College of Arts and Sciences. After taking a couple foundational courses, students are able to create their own major with the assistance of faculty and advisors. The students in New College are very supportive of each other and host lots of academic events.</p>

<p>Knowing your major (or being able to rule out certain majors) can help in choosing the courses to satisfy your GenEd requirements. For instance, a business major would need to take EC 110 and 111 (intro to Micro and Macroeconomics). Those courses count toward the SB requirement. So if you knew you were going to be a business major (or were leaning that way), you probably wouldn’t choose to take another SB course right away to satisfy your GenEd requirement. I’m sure there are similar courses in other majors, I’m just familiar with business since that’s my D’s major. So even if your daughter doesn’t know what she wants to major in, if she is leaning toward something, or can rule something out, that might help. Since your D doesn’t want to major in science, taking her GenEd science course makes sense. Taking EN101 and 102 (or EN 103) makes sense if she’s not getting AP credit for them, since they’re a requirement for everyone. Satisfying the math requirement right away makes sense, but if she’s not sure of her major and is at the MATH 110/112 level, she’d want to choose 112 so as not to foreclose anything. </p>

<p>The other approach is to take courses that interest her that will also satisfy a requirement. At least if she finds a course of interest, she won’t regret having taken it if she enjoys it.</p>

<p>I would have her start with the basics…</p>

<p>frosh comp
US history
pysch or sociology
the math that she tests into
maybe something that fulfills the fine arts reqt.</p>

<p>thanks to all. I knew what I wanted to do when I was 4 years old,so this undecided stuff is hard on a Type A old lady…</p>