D21 journey

The northeast LAC my D21 is attending in the fall just told us to plan on in person classes and all students on campus, including the normal double and triple dorm room set up. Of course something could shift that but their tone was more confident than I expected. This is a school that was very strict this past year.

If we are taking more wagers on this thread, I am also guessing kids will get vaccinated before 2022. :slight_smile:


Early on in this thread, my thought was that being a full pay applicant would be a hook this cycle due to decreased revenues at schools as a result of Covid-19.

Waitlist & rejection so far have been due to “demonstrated” lack of interest.


Wow. I’m also surprised by Wake’s decision. Still, your daughter has had the best run of any other young woman I can think of this year. Great job!


Less than 24 hours until the final decision. Then things get interesting and the real debates can begin! You’re not going to make us wait until 5/1 to give us reviews of the schools are you? :smile:



I teach at a LAC in MA. We were notified 2 weeks ago that they expect everyone to be back on campus full time this fall. That includes not only professors but staff as well. They stressed that we are a LAC and students attend for the intimate experience gained from a small campus. They told faculty that we should start preparing now for any childcare issues because we will need to be in the classroom. They gave us the remote option for the full year (though I have been teaching in person since August) and that will end starting fall 2021. They were VERy clear that we should start making any necessary arrangements now.


As per fit, I highly recommend that your daughter read through the student newspapers and lurk on some of the more “unofficial” social media channels such as those for dorms and clubs.

As per bets, I’m thinking Lehigh, Colgate, or Vandy.


I think Vandy, and for that matter all of these institutions, are looking to maximize the % of full pay students accepted during ED.


I’m with you @homerdog re the need for admitted students to know the social vibe of the school. Stereotypes can be damaging and false, and administrators’ presentation of the culture is just not enough. Really getting a firsthand view of students interacting and being part of the campus community is so important. I’ve logged in to a few of the virtual events offered by S21’s acceptances and they are mostly administrators, an occasional professor, and 1-2 select students talking about their major. They are ALL reading from scripts and telling us things we can basically read on their website. Feels very stilted and totally impersonal. No spontaneity. Absolutely ZERO sense of student culture or values. Zero. It’s astonishing that the administrators don’t realize how unhelpful this is. And, in fact, these sorts of virtual events are having the opposite effect of what the schools want. At least for us.


If you look at the Skidmore 2025 RD thread, it appears that applying for financial aid might have been a factor in being waitlisted rather than accepted. Of course, this is anecdotal, but Skidmore is need-aware. Skidmore Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision - #199 by hollymk


I hope you teach at Williams, LOL.


Hope that statement was not because they are trying to get accepted students to commit… and then come fall it is a difference scenario.


Me, too! That wouldn’t be very nice. But at this point I am choosing to trust their integrity, given how much money I am about to give them. :slight_smile:


@homerdog: I think that you have given your daughter a gift by starting & continuing this thread. The gift is an education in how to approach & analyze a situation, and that one should analyze before criticizing.


Don’t underestimate the impact of effective admissions marketing. That definitely plays a role as well.

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I’m so sorry for how things worked out for your daughter.

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I completely agree.

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@homerdog Is BC allowing admits on campus? Are you just going to walk the campus? Do the virtual tours?

BC does not have official tours. We already did an info session and your back in Feb 2020. We will visit and walk around with some friends. When we visited in February, we had bad weather and didn’t look around any farther than the tour. We’d like to see more of the campus and the surrounding area.

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Does anyone know if all kids are offered four years of housing at BC or only some? I just read D’s acceptance letter carefully and she was offered four years of housing. I thought kids at BC were only allowed to be on campus for three years, living junior year off campus. If this is a perk not extended to all, it’s definitely one appreciated by us.


Only some kids receive 4 year housing…sort of like a “merit” award.