D21 journey

To someone with a spatial orientation, a “large” university with a campus of perhaps fewer than 50 acres may feel quite small, while a “small” college of 500 acres or more may feel luxuriously large in comparison.


They may not have gotten in to those schools or any similar school, or, it was a covid decision. I know of a UR transferring to V as well. UR was not the top choice, neither was V the first time around, and top choice and Vanderbilt did not accept the first time, but UR fit the bill for closer to home (given Covid) than the other acceptances. This student does fit what I thought was the vibe at UofR, and academically the transfer is surprising. But who knows other than the actual student!


My relative has gone from liking Richmond a lot (she was fairly new there when this topic began) to loving it.


My son finished his first year at UR. He struggled with the covid restrictions, but by spring it was so much better, and he LOVED it by the end of the year. And he is very much looking forward to going back in the fall.


I did not mean to start anything about UR here. I was just doing a quick reread of some of my thread this morning and saw that someone asked about our friend who was transferring. I didn’t have any more info then and just thought I’d follow up. UR has a very high freshmen retention rate and I’m sure lots of kids love it!


Hoping things have gone well for your daughter so far at Colgate.


I was just thinking about @homerdog,s D and Colgate recently also! Was chatting about college options with some students I help and Colgate came up. Hope she is settled in, staying healthy and enjoying it!


@dwhite All good so far! Classes started in earnest this week and D says her professors are both friendly and interesting. Her first assignment was to read the first chapter of The Iliad out loud - the prof suggested doing it outside either alone or with a friend from the class. Welcome to the liberal arts college world!

She’s made friends in the dorm and in her commons group. Colgate really does a great job for freshman orientation with a ton of “get to know you” events that mix kids into all kinds of different groupings so each student meets a ton of kids that first week. Lately, many students including D have been heading outside after dinner to watch the sunset. They’ve been crazy beautiful!


Great pic!


It is a stunning campus!

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Wonderful! Thank you for sharing!


I’m glad she is enjoying Colgate. What a beautiful campus and natural setting! I love a happy ending (which is also a beginning).


not trying to revive an old thread here but im a co23 high school grad who’s trying to pick between middlebury and Colgate. personality wise, I seem very similar to your daughter a i think pretty much would have applied to the same schools (minus the southern ones) if not for the consideration of what schools made sense for my sport. does she still like colgate? what has her experience been like overall?

Better to start a new thread than bumping an ancient one.