D21 school selection unbiased help

The schools have decent classes in Arabic and Spanish with certificates, majors or minors along with study abroad opportunities with language immersion. The smaller schools seem to have 60-70% undergrad study abroad participation and Pitt UVA 30-40% pre covid… Each school has offerings in international affairs or global studies with multiple areas like sustainability , development or Middle eastern studies, not exactly sure what 17 year old wants, but opportunities at each school in variety of subjects in case or when they take a different path. Financial aid that follows student abroad was also a consideration. Thanks for all the great questions, it won’t be long now. Best of luck to your student as they navigate 2021!

Less than a week, trying to get all the final financial info as well as the plan for Fall and whether vaccine will be required. So far GWU has a vaccine requirement where the state schools do not.