D24 wants to go away to college, but we just cannot afford it [CA resident]

By the way, check with your husband’s union - they might offer scholarships.

My employer did. My kids got $2k and $1k. It’s not a ton but every bit counts.


Is moving to a LCOL area possible?

CA state national guard could cover 100% of his tuition and fees at any public CA institution. He can then pay for dorms with the federal loan and summer earnings, and whatever he gets paid by the state national guard.


Student needs to be interested in military service and needs to be eligible for military service. ROTC scholarships are competitive and not necessarily full rides.


Based on some of the info on preferences and budget provided in one of those previous threads, I’d suggest looking at Willamette. Across from the State Capitol so good choice for student’s interests, seems a match for weather/geography, and gives both merit and need based aid that might be enough to get to the budget.

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WUE at U of Wyoming is called the Brown and Gold. Top students get the 150% of instate tuition, but most other students get something. There are also other scholarships available. But it is still going to cost more than going to a CC in California.

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Yes, the source I linked shows that OP’s son would still receive something, but it wouldn’t be as low as the 150% of in-state tuition rate that a full WUE recipient would receive.

Most do. Good suggestion but they are not usually easy to get.

Many, many great suggestions. I wanted to go away also but I at the time, the student was working and paying for everything. I did get financial aid also. I had to go to a community college the first year to make it affordable. California has great community colleges. If you can’t then you can’t. He shouldn’t go into debt. Sometimes life is a journey and not a linear line but roads with many curves to get to the final goal. Concentrate on the final goal. That is what’s most important. I used to visit friends once in awhile on their campuses, go to the games and parties. Then I discovered after awhile that my games and parties were just as fun.


Totally. Almost everybody wants to go away to college but almost no one can afford it without going into debt or receiving tons of aid. It’s just a crappy fact of life.

But hey, I am a second generation cc-4year-grad school kid and I turned out OK. I really hope we can make it work so that my kids can go straight to a four-year school but I know from experience that it’s not the end of the world if they don’t.


Please do not bother with the SAT. California publics don’t even look at them. Without extensive test prep, he is unlikely to get a high score. It’s expensive and time consuming. Out of state is not an option by the sounds of it.

If it makes you feel any better at all, I attended a CC in So Cal and graduated from CSULB. I lived at home for the duration. My social life revolved mostly around work friends. The residential college experience is great for those who can afford it, but it doesn’t mean it’s better than commuting and saving a lot of money.

I’d be honest with your son sooner rather than later. Just say what you’ve said here: you can’t afford it. There is no shame in honesty and no shame in financial struggle.

Edit: I just realized this is an old post and your child is probably well into their plan after high school graduation. @jmom2017 if you’re still here, please feel free to update us on the situation.