Damn mailman!!!

<p>i hate my mailman oh so much....i moved to a new house in the same town just last year and since this is a big town there are a couple different mailmen...in my old house i would get my mail early like 12 o'clock...but now in my old house i dont get my mail until 3ish.... yes....ish....most of the time my lazy mailman decides to come half and hour later...but today since theres snow my stupid lazy mailman has apparently decided not to come on the one day I AM WAITING FOR MY ACCCEPTANCE LETTER!!!! it is supposed to come today and i cant see my decsion online! But of course my stupid lazy mailman has decided not to show! it is already 4:40!!!! ***?? there is only like an inch of snow! School was delayed or let out early or anything! but i get to keep going out in the freezing snow down to my mailbox to discover it is EMPTY! i have already checked 4 times! Where is the mail? i need to rant....does my damn mailman not understand that todays mail is crucial not only to me but to almost every other high school senior? STOP BEING LAZY AND SCARED OF A LITTLE SNOW? IF I CAN DRIVE IN THE SNOW YOU SURE CAN!!!!</p>


<p>keep us updated on if u get in.
What school is it for?</p>

<p>Oh dear. Take a deep breath . </p>

<p>Why did you not sign up for the online notification? Did the college offer it?</p>

<p>Ways to make the time go by: vacuum the house for your parents, do a load of your laundry–good skill for next year, write grandma a thank you not for that holiday gift. Practice patience so you will be a good roommate.</p>

<p>“Acceptance letter”? Or do you mean “decision letter”?</p>

<p>Every time I think CC is going downhill, someone posts a thread like this. And totally makes my day.</p>

<p>Where do you live? Mail here comes at around 3 most days, sometimes well after 4.</p>



<p>Probably. I’m a high school senior and even I was unaware of that fact.</p>

<p>why is today crucial to almost every other high school senior? wasnt that a few weeks ago/isnt for another few months for RD</p>

<p>I just read your post again…</p>



<p>i found this funny.</p>

<p>wow… too much coffee does weird things to me lol…i had so many typos in my post and assumptions… i assumed today was crucial to many high school seniors becasue many schools i applied to had today as the date i would find out by…i also assumed the decision letters would be accetance letters to keep my hopes up… at least this post was entertaining to some…</p>

<p>The mailman in my area has a sort of two-hour “spread”… He may show up any time between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM. It’s totally unpredictable.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>