Dance at Elon

Can non-majors take dance classes on a weekly basis and be in the performing groups? D21 is a Vaganova trained ballet dancer who left ballet nine months ago. She’s done a lot of contemporary as well. It’s a long story about why she’s stopped for now but would like to be able to dance in college but not major or minor. It’s hard to tell from Elon’s website.

Anyone can take dance classes at Elon, but the options are more limited for non-majors. The more advanced classes require a placement audition. I believe to participate in the dance concerts you need to be a major. But the general dance classes are open to anyone.

So if you audition and they think you can handle class, can you take advanced dance classes? If you minor, can you dance in dance concerts?

Yes, someone with years of dance experience will probably place into a higher level class. I think a lot of the dance concert opportunities are for majors, but minors may be able to audition, however I am not 100% sure of this. I would tell your daughter to reach out to any of the Elon dance faculty as they are very helpful and can answer any questions!

Elon also has Danceworks, which is a student run dance group open to anyone. Students teach classes every week and there is also a performance with student choreographed pieces at the end of the year (anyone can participate in this performance). It is super fun and a great way to continue dancing with no added pressure. Hope this helps!

Bump :man_dancing:t2: