Danforth Notifications?

Does anybody know about the time Danforth scholarship notifications will come out?
I am getting anxious!!!

<p>Scholar/scholarship notifications are made at about the same time for all of the programs. It should be sometime next week.</p>

<p>On a more specific note, does anyone know stats from last year? That is, how many applied for a certain scholarship and how many were chosen as finalists? I know some colleges post this information and I just got notified about being a finalist for a scholarship at Saint Olaf, so maybe this is a sign that I will get more! 150/1600 were finalists for that scholarship last year! haha, … I am just so anxious!</p>

<p>When I contacted WUSTL they said decisions for scholarships are being mailed out in the first week of march and that I could start checking online starting March 1st</p>

<p>WUSTL13, do you know if that’s just for the Danforth scholarship, or whether those dates apply for the Honorary Scholars Program and/or the University Scholars Program as well? From what information I’ve gleaned from obsessively combing through past threads, it seems as though those chosen to attend the Scholars’ Weekend at Wash U are given phone and email notification during the last week of February – just wondering whether that’s still the same for this year.</p>

<p>Well, I applied for Danforth and the Deans Business, so I am not sure. The woman I spoke to said that starting march 1st we could start checking our scholarship applications to see if we are a finalist. So, I think it is regarding all scholarships, but I could be wrong. My friend who got a scholarship last year was notified in the first week of march.</p>

<p>Guess we’ll just have to keep playing the waiting game until then, eh? :o</p>

<p>haha, yeah, but on a happy note, my birthday is March 2nd! Thus, I am planning to wait until the 2nd (perhaps at midnight, hmmm) to check my online status; perhaps the extra birthday luck will make me a finalist?</p>

<p>My birthday is March 3d !!
Good luck to all of us!!</p>

<p>Will they really post Danforth finalist notifications online? It just seems out of place, considering it is the only one that had to be submitted completely sans-internet and you can’t check its status at all on your prospective student account.</p>

<p>ShowBizKid, I know a student who DID check her Danforth status on her prospective student account</p>

<p>I submitted my Danforth app online. A little while after I had received the application in the mail, the option to submit it online popped up along with the other applications.</p>

<p>we should find out if we are semi-finalists next week or so. if you don’t get a call or an email, then i think you can pretty much assume that you didn’t get picked for that scholarship, but that’s just the sense that i got. we find out if we are finalists beginning the first week of march.</p>

<p>oh lord…it’s going to take forever for next week to get here!</p>

<p>are you sure that’s right?
I thought that the interviews were largely deciding who gets to be a finalist…
maybe I have been remembering incorrectly…</p>

<p>^ The interviews decide which Finalists become Scholars. Basically, it decides who actually takes home the cash.</p>

<p>My understanding, based on talks with my student host (when I visited campus) who happened to be a Danforth Scholar: Everybody who is invited to the Finalist weekend for Danforth becomes a “Danforth scholar” and receives at least a half-tuition scholarship. From among those invited for the weekend, a lucky few are chosen to receive a full-tuition scholarship.</p>

<p>Wait, so why do they even have semi-finalists? Why don’t they just pick the finalists? To me, it seems like they designate a certain group as a semi-finalists, then, without any further investigation, round that group down to finalists. Why even take that extra step?</p>

<p>Unless you have to write some essays or something as a semi-finalist. That would make sense.</p>

<p>Like hookem168 posted - The interviews are very important in the final decision. What most people don’t realize is that the “Interview” consists of a lot more than just talking with the interview panel. Not too much longer to wait for notification.</p>

<p>So are there two sets of interviews or something? I’m just confused about all this. I’ve seen three different explanations for this process.</p>