Dangling shiny bait in front of a fish...

<p>So, two full months of creepin around this site without posting, and now I feel like I'm bingeing on starting threads, but anyways.. :)</p>

<p>I've been dreaming of Yale for about 2 years now, and finally went to visit last year, even though I was only a sophomore. It felt magical to me (I know...there's cheese all ovaaahh da place with this statement, but I really mean it) I've heard a lot of my friends who are current college freshman say that with visiting colleges you'll just know when you've found a good fit because you'll feel it in your "gut" that it's right...that was me and Yale last April. </p>

<p>Now I've been thinking about how much I really want to go back once more before applying and I really want to do that in the form of an overnight stay. I think that would a tremendous amount of fun and it would probably make me exceedingly bubbly and happy for a few months afterward! I'm worried though, that doing this will actually be harmful, not helpful, because it will reassure me that Yale is amazing and a place where I belong and then if I am rejected next year it'll be all the more upsetting. </p>

<p>I'm just worried that for someone like me who's so emotionally attached to Yale, that an overnight stay will be like dangling shiny bait in front of a hungry fish (fish being me, bait being Yale)</p>

<p>Anyone want to weigh in on this? (especially those who have done overnight stays, at Yale in particular)</p>

<p>This is quite the ramble..whoops</p>

<p>Well, say you get rejected.</p>

<p>Then you’ll never have the chance to sleep at the Yale dorms. </p>

<p>So do it already!</p>

<p>^ uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm</p>


<p>Haha ■■■■■■ are getting more creative with their names ;)</p>

<p>wow HUGE lol moment, StanfordMom? I’m good thanks…</p>

<p>@cafesimone: that’s true…i just hate disappointment as much as the next person, but I have always wanted to see inside the dorms :wink: on the tours they just show you the outside, grr. </p>

<p>anyone know if you get to go to some classes when you stay over? like if I’m pretty sure I know what I want to major in, can I request to stay with someone who is majoring in the same thing so I can check out the classes?</p>