Dartmouth Decimation

<p>Perhaps the Dartmouth Debacle...</p>

<p>Interesting its the opposite of a Decimation since only about 1/10 won't get "killed".</p>

<p>The Dartmouth Defeasance </p>

<p>Definition: An often formal act of putting an end to.</p>

<p>Synonyms: annihilation, nullification, voidance, invalidation </p>

<p>The Dartmouth Drubbing</p>

<p>Definition: The act of defeating or the condition of being defeated.</p>

<p>Synonyms: beating, overthrow, rout, thrashing, vanquishment</p>

<p>whatever you want to call it, i really don't think dartmouth will be nearly as bad as mit. then again, that's just wishful thinking.</p>

<p>Dartmouth Decapitation, Dartmouth Defenestration</p>

<p>I vote for "drubbing."</p>

<p>Redondo, I believe that was the punishment for mutiny, not cowardice. I seem to remember Caesar drawing lots to punish rebel soldiers.</p>

<p>Anyways, ours is rather a decimation in reverse, since 1 in 10 applicants will be spared ;)</p>

<p>Dartmouth Defenestration</p>

<p>good one Dartmoose!</p>

<p>has that "intellectual tone"</p>

<p>^^Hopefully it's the applications, not the applicants, that will be thrown out of the windows, though!</p>

<p>in deference to historical usage, however, I would term it</p>

<p>"The Defenestration of Dartmouth"</p>

<p>Ahahahah yes! Defenestration of Dartmouth! We can all be thrown out of windows with our rejection letters =P</p>

<p>Come now. It's more like the inverse function of the decimation of dartmouth, because only about 10% will be accepted :p</p>