<p>Hi! I am a high-school senior from Iowa, who was accepted to Dartmouth and WUSTL, as you probably read in the title. I plan to do a pre-med track, and I have a vested interest in molecular biology/biochemistry, which I plan to major in. I hope to do research in college, and that is one of the most important issues to me. I have read how both have accomplished faculty, and numerous research opportunities, but which has the edge? Would I get a tangibly better education at either school? Lastly, would I have tangibly better chances of going to a top grad school (med school/PhD program) at either one? </p>
<p>Environment is not a huge concern for this thread, I have visited both multiple times, and I have made up my mind about the pros and cons of both.</p>
<p>Also, I come from a long line of Dartmouth grads, if that is an important consideration. Thanks!</p>
<p>I got accepted into WashU some years back and I had an incredible time during my visit. Dartmouth rejected me
but anyway congrats! One thing I will say about WashU is that it has i think around 60-70% people planning on going into medical school. However i think a statistic i heard was a very high percentage of people with a 3.5 or higher got into their first choice med school from WashU.
btw I know more about washu than dartmouth. Looking back on college decisions, I think the best way to make your decision is really based on the feel and type of people at each schools. I never visited Dartmouth, so I can’t really talk about the students there. WashU is near St. Louis which will factor in later down the road trust me, students from isolated colleges will tell you that sometimes, they really want to get to a city. Another thing, St. Louis will probably give you more opportunities than the small college town around Dartmouth.
Everything about Dartmouth is speculation. I’ve only visited WashU</p>