Dartmouth vs. Brandeis vs. Berkeley chem

<p>Which is the best for chem? I'm also considering majoring in linguistics, though, so I'm unsure as to which I should pick. </p>

<p>Also, I got a full tuition scholarship to Brandeis. Is it worth the debt to go to Dartmouth?</p>

<p>Dartmouth is the best choice, but if finances is an issue you may want to go with Brandeis.</p>

<p>idk about chem, brandeis biochem program is top notch... if you don't mind the social scene at brandeis I would say to go there..</p>

<p>If your focus is chem, Berkeley is the best.</p>

<p>Whoa. No consensus here. D:</p>

<p>Berkeley is tops in linguistics. So if you want tops in chem and tops in linguistics, I'd go Berkeley. But full tuition is hard to turn down.</p>

<p>I go to Dartmouth and I recommend Dartmouth. Food for thought:</p>

<p>One of my professors was interviewing for a science position at a prestigious research university. The department head comes in and the first thing he says is, "Here at X, we don't give a **** about undergrads. We're a research school."</p>

<p>Needless to say, it turned off my professor, who eventually wound up at Dartmouth, where he does research but also has the opportunity to connect with undergrads. For this, I am grateful and I believe it is an extremely beneficial distinguishing factor. My teachers know me my name, and my gov professor came up to me one day after class and invited me to his office, tried to convince me to major in his department. You would have more trouble getting that sort of attention other schools on this caliber.</p>

<p>I really don't feel like the UNDERGRAD program makes a huge difference. Berkeley is distinguished as a grad school. At the point where you're choosing between two great schools - chem at Dartmouth is nothing to sneeze at - I really think you should you should also take factors into consideration.</p>

<p>Hmm. That's very true. I need to see how much aid Dartmouth is going to give me though.</p>

<p>Berkeley chemistry is the best.</p>

<p>College of Chemistry...six building mini-campus. Small college has only chemistry, chemical engineering and chemical biology majors. The faculty is phenomenal. Berkelium and Californium on the Periodic Table. Research opportunities available.</p>

<p>University</a> of California, Berkeley, College of Chemistry
College</a> of Chemistry - University of California at Berkeley - College Facts</p>

<p>But turning down full scholarship to Brandeis would be silly, IMO.</p>

<p>Dartmouth will offer you much more than you can imagine in terms of grants, resources, and an overall network. The academic experience is unique with its own strong study abroad, the lack of TAs, and the focus on teaching. Dartmouth's grad placement is amazing (top 7) and its alumni are loyal (80% come back for reunions). Like Princeton, Yale, Duke, and a couple of other schools it engenders a very unique and familial sense of loyalty. </p>

<p>All that makes it worth it. That said, if you are looking to go to med school after a chem major the truth is grades/ MCAT will matter more than anything and Brandeis seems like an amazing deal. I hope Dartmouth comes through with some aid.</p>

<p>^ Trust me, I will NOT be attending med school. LOL.</p>

<p>In that case I would go to Berkeley...It will provide you much more options in majors you're interested in pursuing than Dartmouth.</p>