Data Science Chance ME

Demographics: Asian Indian Male

Residency: California (from SF Bay Area)

ACT/SAT/SAT II: SAT 1360 (680 r/W 680 M)

UW/W GPA and Rank: GPA 3.33 UW, 3.9 W, School does not provide rank

Coursework: Completed: AP Calculus AB, AP Physics 1, AP Computer Science A, Chemistry Honors, Dual Enrollment: Stats, Psychology, Intro to C++,

In progress (Senior Year): AP Physics C: Mech/E&M, AP US Gov/Econ, AP Calc BC, Dual Enrollment: Intro to Business, C Programming

Awards: ALL 5s

Extracurriculars: PR/Media Lead for several clubs, Started my own club with 50+ members, Computer Science Intern at an AI Security company, dance team for two years, student gov for two years, lead for in robotics for three years. Other volunteering (50+ hours).

Essays/LORs/Other: Pretty good, have really good interest/reasoning for my majors. common app is really good, I talked about something really unique or i think is unique

LOR: Got a recommendation from my internship but idk if i should put in my purdue, buts it’s really good

Teachers: Really good

You sound like a great candidate. Good luck! My son is applying for the same major. What other schools are you applying to?

I am applying to Purdue, UWisc-Madison, Northeastern, UCs. Hopefully, I get in, I really want to!!