Data science in UCSD or UCI

Which college is better for data science, UCI or UCSD? Like I want to know about the program in each school and possibly the future job opportunity. Thanks.

UCSD Data Science is a brand new program but they just dedicated a building and other resources to it. S1 is Comp Sci rising senior and he’s had a great experience there - especially their sources in AI. The AI CS courses appear to be a core part of the Data Science track.

In UCI Bren school of comp sci you have the choice of going informatics or data sci (and the other CS).

Step one - get into both
Step two - choose between them.

Honestly, it won’t really matter where you go as you will have similar opportunities. Both schools are great for CS (Irvine has their own school for CS, but UCSD is ranked higher), so Data Science at both should be great. So go to where you feel you would be happiest: visit the campuses and decide. Look at price, surrounding area, social life (both are known as commuter campuses, but still have opportunity to have plenty of fund), location (UCSD is more spread out), etc…
Good luck!