<p>I know a lot of people say "race doesn't matter, it's all about personality, etc" and all that, but is it really true? I find myself attracted to almost every race .. Indian, white, black, asian.. </p>
<p>Now I've never dated outside my race, (I'm black by the way) and I would really like to, but I'm afraid to because I feel like they won't like me because I'm black. I know that sounds really insecure, but its true. I'm confident in my looks , well somewhat, but I feel like I'll fall short when compared a white girl. </p>
<p>I'll be going to college in the fall, and while I know relationships should be the last thing I should be worried about, I'm still curious. Would you date outside your race? Is there a specific race that you wouldn't date? Please be completely honest.</p>
<p>I’m black. And I’ve dated white and Hispanic guys. At my school it’s really the norm and no one judges you.
If you like a guy of a different race then go for it. Just remember everyone has there own preferences.</p>
<p>I’m Asian and I don’t really crush on Asian guys. I don’t know why, it’s just a personal preference sort of thing. But in general, I do like guys of every race, especially mixed guys. So hot.</p>
<p>“Just remember everyone has there own preferences.”</p>
<p>Yeah that’s the thing, sometimes I feel like some guys’ preferences are “anything but a black girl.” quite a few guys at my school will say things like “i want me a nice spanish chick with pretty eyes” or “i want a thick white b*tch” and that you can’t mess with a black girl cause they’re crazy. i wouldn’t even want a guy who talks about girls that way, but its sad cause they will insult black girls left and right, while putting girls of every other race on a pedestal.</p>
<p>i keep forgetting that the whole world isn’t like this, and that there are plenty of men that aren’t so ignorant and shallow… but still.</p>
<p>@Bloopers thanks for the reply. and i LOVE mixed guys too. most mixed guys that i’ve met have such amazing eyes</p>
<p>I’m sure that when you go to college there will be plenty of guys that have the ‘any type of girl with a great personality’ type in them. But then again I am a very overly optimistic person. Stay positive.</p>
<p>Not every guy has the same preferences. Some would prefer an Asian girl over a Spanish girl, etc. Some guys like bigger girls, some guys like thin girls. Some like the overly fashionable, while others want t-shirts and sweatpants. So don’t feel like you’re being compared to all of the other girls because not every guy thinks those other girls are any more attractive than you. </p>
<p>As long as you show some respect for yourself and don’t get into the wrong crowd, you’ll meet someone. Hold your head high, be funny and outgoing or whatever you are, and you will meet others who appreciate you. Trust your instincts and give it time.</p>
<p>Y’know, sometimes I really do wonder what guys say to their buddies about us girls. </p>
<p>And honestly, if you’re one of those people that tries desperately to look for someone to be in a relationship with, it usually doesn’t work out. A lot of people find their significant other when they least expect me, so just focus on school and your prince charming may just show up along the way ;D</p>
<p>And Flapjack is right, college people tend to be a lot more open-minded and mature than high school kids. Or at least from what I’ve seen. You won’t hear guys openly discuss about how he wants “a thick white chick cus there’s more cushion for the pushin’” I think anyone that’s THAT close-minded and ignorant should just stay in high school.</p>
<p>"Y’know, sometimes I really do wonder what guys say to their buddies about us girls. "</p>
<p>haha. oh please, we have much more important things to talk about</p>
<p>I’m a white girl and used to exclusively date Asian guys. It’s all a matter of preference, and I think you’ll always find people that are willing to date outside their race, especially if you live in a place that’s well mixed and racially diverse.</p>
<p>I was wondering the same but my question was if they’d talk to a girl outside their race.I’m black too and I feel guys are scared to talk to me.I live in california but its least common to see a black girl dating outside their race.I don’t really show that I’m attracted to guys outside my race b\c my friends tease me about it.Depending on which college I go to in what part of California id probably still be the minority and I usually see black guys with a girl outside their race
…I don’t really care about dating but more getting along and becoming friends because who want to feel unformortable for the next 4 yrs?</p>
<p>Not all guys pre-judge us but id probably question if one were to hit on me b\c I think they’d only want me for a hook up…some are nice though like holding open the door eventhough I don’t know him :]</p>
<p>@Flapjack thanks, I guess I have to just stay optimistic. I wouldn’t want to turn off a guy cause i’m being so insecure all the time </p>
<p>@novalynnx Thank you, I’m usually so pessimistic and for no good reason too
i should just focus on being myself and stop comparing myself to other people </p>
<p>@Bloopers i think television accurately covers what boys talk about when we’re not there: Video games, sex, girls they’d like to have sex with, girls they’ve already had sex with, girls they’re trying to have sex with, LOL. and yeah, i’ve been exposed to the immature boys in my town for so long and i haven’t really branched out to find more open-minded people. So trust me when I say I’m ready for a change!</p>
<p>Once people go to college they generally realize that sharing similar interests and having compatible personalities are more important than race and looks… I think. I wouldn’t stress too much about it though
whoever you like is whoever you like… No need to worry so much about the prejudifes of other people :-)</p>
<p>My apologies for the embarassing typos… ><</p>
<p>@NewClassic I feel the same way. All the schools I’ve applied to have a very very low percentage of African Americans attending, and I’m a little worried about fitting in. And YES! If I tell a friend that I’m interested in a white or asian guy or whatever, they’ll give me a hard time about it, but then they’ll say i might have a chance because i’m light skinned and not “black black”. That usually just makes me even more upset because it just means to them that the whiter I look/act the better. </p>
<p>And its sad but there was this one time a white guy hit on me, and I couldn’t even flirt back properly, because the whole time in my head I was just like, “You’re kidding, right?”</p>
<p>i would absolutely date outside my race. if you’re attractive, you’re attractive!</p>
<p>For me, I would not date inside my race.
I’m white/a direct European immigrant in the US and I’m really just not attracted to white guys in any way…even if I try to get attracted to them it doesn’t feel right.</p>
<p>I’m really only attracted to East Asian or Southeast Asian guys for some reason and I can’t deny it…
Honestly don’t think I would ever marry someone of my own race actually.</p>
<p>I don’t think it’s bad to have preference when dating.
I’m sure there is someone who is just like you in preferences out there and open to dating you, and you will match up nicely.</p>
<p>I think in general there are enough boys and girls are interested in each other regardless of race, and it’s that more special when you overlook race in each other for love :)</p>
<p>Nothing like a tall strong man with green eyes and dirty blonde hair in a black suit. But you know what’s always a turn off? A ****ty personality. I hate cocky guys. Doesn’t matter how good-looking you are, a crappy personality gets you nowhere. </p>
<p>And seriously girl, EMBRACE YOUR ETHNICITY. BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE AND KEEP YOUR HEAD UP HIGH. And don’t be one of those people that only hangs out with their own race. If you first start class and you see a white and black person, try to sit next to the white kid and make conversation. Just don’t be awkward about it. </p>
<p>I like Asians, but I don’t like hanging out with herds of them in the library. It’s ridiculous. I had a chem class once and I’d see a whole row of just Asian people. I was so damn confused, and I laughed when some Asian chick told me to join them. Point is, just try to hang out with different people and you’ll find that people aren’t as close-minded as you think they are.</p>
<p>@Bloopers Yeah I don’t want to only hang out with my own race, and I’ll try the whole starting conversation thing but I can’t promise I won’t be awkward >_< LOL about the Asian situation. and you’re right, I just need to get out of this mindset that a majority of the people i meet won’t be interested in having black friends. it’s just what i’ve been exposed to for a long time. but as long as i can just open up and just not be so insecure i’ll be fine</p>
<p>@Naokifresh I get what you mean but I think that’s more a culture thing like an african american guy born and raised in the U.S. is very different from an african guy that was born&raised in Africa that came to the U.S. later in life-they treat women differently atleast in my experiences…</p>
<p>I try to wear my hair in its natural curls but I get more attention from guys with it straight.I don’t want to use the flat iron since I’m trying to grow my hair long but sometimes I think I look better with it straightened :\ I’m glad I didn’t chemically change it but it takes so long to detangle</p>