<p>Hey whatup cc people,
what signs does a guy (who is just an aquintance, not a friend) give out if he is interested romantically in a girl? How does he act? I know everyone is different, but what are some general trends? Any answers are welcome: personal experience, web searches, whatever. </p>
<p>Signs huh? I hate all this mind reading psychoanalytical BS. Just ask the guy out. Most guys won't have the balls to say no, especially if the guy is your friend. Unless he's gay, and even then he still might say yes.</p>
<p>"When I'm interested, I hold eye contact very strongly."</p>
<p>Thats such a lie. Most guys will look away if they're intrested. Trying to pull off that I'm too cool BS, or somtimes just because they are shy. Unless he's talking to her and trying not to look like a perv, then he'll stare into her eyes (to aviod looking at her chest, legs, butt, whatever) like nobodys business. </p>
<p>If some girl started staring at me as I was walking by I'd be more inclined to ball up my fists to prevent a mugging than be willing to go over and ask for her number.</p>
<p>"haha matt you must not get many looks then"</p>
<p>Hahaha.. I don't know what you're talking about I'm a sexy man. I haven't shaved in weeks, I ran out of deorderent last monday on some of the hottest weeks in socal, and I've worn these same old jeans 2 days in a row. How can the ladies resist me!?</p>
<p>he will most likely NOT back away unless he is not attracted to you AT ALL.</p>
<p>if i'm interested in a girl.. i would usually spend a lot of time with her, smile a lot, give a lot of compliments to her, say her name often during conversations, often call her to check up on her, and yeah.</p>
<p>If you just kissed me out of nowhere, I'd think you were a phyco or something. lol.
Looks. Stares when you're not looking (or he thinks youre not looing at him) Twitches once in a while while talking to you or something (for someone who's modest and tries to keep his feelings for himself) That's what I do, at least.</p>
<p>When I'm interested in a girl I usually ask if she wants to do something some time with me, but I do it in a way where its kind of unclear if its a date or just a friend thing, because I'm afraid of rejection. Last time I did this I started with, "Maybe we can go out some time for chicken and maybe some sex too."</p>