<p>Oh, I was meaning that both INV and I have a hard time finding shorter guys since we're both 5'3".</p>
<p>Poor phrasing.</p>
<p>Oh, I was meaning that both INV and I have a hard time finding shorter guys since we're both 5'3".</p>
<p>Poor phrasing.</p>
<p>I got it. That was poor phrasing, but I see now how it could be interpreted to be the meaning you intended to communicate. :]</p>
<p>Gosh, I have debate tommorrow too. I better correct my phrasing abillity soon. :)</p>
<p>Lol, IV's a she? Nonsense!</p>
<p>Ah, and I have no problems with other people dating drastically outside their age/height range, but for myself personally I'd want to limit myself to gals between the ages of 15 (for the really mature ones, ye gods I hate stock 15-year-olds and younger) and, say, 19 or so, though I think an interval expressed in terms of grades would be more accurate, so maybe from 11th to sophomore in college? I dunno, lol...</p>
<p>And for height, I wouldn't mind dating a short gal (maybe ~5 foot being the minimum? I wouldn't want a midget, haha) up to, say, 6' or so, anything taller would be awkward. Plus, I've always found long, slender legs very sexy, so those occupying the higher ends of the spectrum would be better I suppose, but it depends on a bunch of other things than that... whatever, lol...</p>
<p>at 5 10 i clock in about average/lower side of average. haha all my friends are taller than me pretty much or are about the same height. most girls are my height or shorter. not many who are much taller than me</p>
<p>do you guys really know girls ages? half the time i dont even know and then i am shocked to find out that someone is like 2 years younger than me or 2 years older. i guess i just dont really pay attention. But i think as a senior....dating anyone younger than a sophomore is really pretty creepy. too young!!</p>
<p>I guess I can't really complain about age differences really because my aunt and uncle are fifteen years apart.</p>
<p>Looool I love that everyone has gender debates about me, you guys are silly.</p>
I guess I can't really complain about age differences really because my aunt and uncle are fifteen years apart.
Exactly - age difference really doesn't matter at all once you're like in your 20s, lol, IMO.</p>
I've never understood why girls feel like it'd be a cardinal sin to date a guy who's either younger or shorter than them. WHY does it matter which gender is older or taller? What ever happened to equality? This just seems like a form of male superiority that females readily buy into.
<p>There are a number of reasons.
Traditionally (and currently), it did have a lot to do with gender roles. Men were providers. A young man can't usually provide like an older one. Women's only purpose was to produce children. A woman can't do that when she's old. Also, more women died in childbirth. Example: a man might get married to a woman around the same age, have a few kids with her, and then she would die in childbirth. He can still remarry, but he's not going to marry a woman his age! She has less time to produce babies and has more of a risk of dying. No matter how many times that guy gets married, no matter his age at the time, he's going to marry a 14-18 y.o. girl. Even though women came to have other roles, people had become comfy with this tradition. Cultural changes take a long time.</p>
<p>Height is something that women find attractive, just like guys find breasts or curves attractive. If someone was tall in the past (and now to some extent) it meant that s/he came from an area with enough food (malnourished people are usually short). Since a man was a provider, his being tall & strong was a good symbol that he could provide for his wife and whatever children she might bear.</p>
<p>Anyway, I'm 5'1, so I'd have to search high & low to find a guy shorter than I. I never really meet guys younger than I, except for one. The guys I find most attractive right now are taller than I, but they're hardly tall.</p>
<p>I dated a big bad senior when I was a naive little freshman, and I no longer think that's appropriate.</p>
<p>I'd say a year difference is certainly acceptable, 2 years is pushing it (in high school at least).</p>
<p>Once you're out of high school anything goes...almost.</p>