Daughter Deferred - should we modify Application

<p>D was deferred EA from the school of A&S today. We were not surprised since her combined SAT was 1290 (720m, 570V, 610W). Everything else about her app is very strong ... ranked 11/325, excellent GPA, EC's etc, etc.</p>

<p>She is thinking that she should change her application for RD and apply to Engineering versus A&S. Since her Math SAT score was 720 and and she has strong math/science SAT2 and AP scores. </p>

<p>So the question is ... would her app stand out more in the College of Engineering being a female with very strong scores in Math/science? Or should we leave well enough alone and stick with A&S?</p>

<p>She really isnt sure what she wants to major in .. but is leaning towards math/science... so engineering wouldn't be totally off base.</p>

<p>I don't really think so, I think the engineering program is more rigorous then arts and sciences. I hope a 1290 will get her in, because thats what I got deferred with too.</p>

<p>I agree, Engineering is tougher than A&S, because of the sheer volume, but I kind of agree with your thinking. I would submit more writing samples or maybe another essay letting them know why Villanova. My D was deferred years ago and she submitted an additional essay, she got in RD. They really only take the best of the best EA. Is it her first choice?</p>

<p>i think she will get in regular decision for sure. her rank is excellent and her SAT scores are about average for Villanova. I wouldn't change to engineering if she doesn't want it though. good luck!</p>

<p>I am a female from PA and I have very similar scores to your daughter (1320 SATS, 3.75 gpa, and 15/280 ? ) and got accepted into the college of engineering! I think it might help to change to engineering because many schools are dying to get more female engineering students!</p>

<p>Irish - Thanks for the information, it certainly gives us something to consider. Congrats on your acceptance!!</p>

<p>How does this help if you aren’t interested in engineering? How easy is it to transfer into your preferred area of study?</p>

<p>it’s not a bad idea to change to engineering but i think they automatically transfer the submitted application over to rd so it might lok fishy if they see this. i recommend writing an essay on why villanova. that is what i am doing for the two schools i got deferred from ea. good luck!</p>

<p>I agree, I don’t think it makes sense to apply for engineering if it is not D’s preferred area of study … BUT … she doesn’t know what she wants to study and math/science are her strengths and she has not ruled these out. As a result, we are doing some soul-searching right now, to see if engineering is a possible path for her. </p>

<p>I don’t think we are looking at doing anything ‘fishy’ … but we are just asking some questions as to the advanteages of being undecided in A&S versus being undecided in Engineering, if and only if she thinks that Engineering is a potential path. Before we make any changes to the application, we will probably call the Engineering school / Admissions and ask some questions. </p>

<p>The last thing we want is for her to get accepted under a program which will make her miserable. No school is worth that high a price.</p>

<p>Regardless, I am encouraging her to write a letter, or an additional essay for her admission package.</p>

<p>Thanks for your thoughts.</p>

<p>i think YOUR DAUGHTER should leave her app…her stats are great!</p>

<p>I don’t know - my D had a 1320 SAT (640V 690M) and got waitlisted at Villanova - plus her brother graduated from there. She was waitlisted last year, and never got in off the waitlist. So disappointing. When I called in the summer, the admission person said the mean SAT was 1340-14 something, and my daughter was not in that range. So 1290 is low, but maybe with the economy, their application numbers are lower this year. Good luck!</p>

<p>i know that on their website the accepted SAT range is 1340-1450 or something, but on collegeboard, the numbers are much lower, i dont understand it</p>

<p>Maybe those are the admitted students, not the ones who applied. Villanova must get quite a bit who use it as a safety, but don’t attend. The admitted numbers are more accurate as to who is there and collegeboard would have that.</p>

<p>On US news:
SAT Critical Reading 25th-75th percentile range: 580-680
SAT Math 25th-75th percentile range: 610-700
SAT Writing 25th-75th percentile range 590-680</p>