Daughter safety in college

<p>Random acts of violence on or near campus are rare , and as the previous post suggests safety threats are most likely to come from fellow students and their friends.
The biggest threat to safety are often self inflicted by being too trusting and from poor judgement caused by alcohol.</p>

<p>Best advice : Find real friends that you can trust and stick together with your group. It’s always the drunk girl that walks home alone or gets separated from the group that ends up in danger.</p>

<p>Age old adage , safety in numbers! God bless.</p>

<p>[The</a> Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool](<a href=“Campus Safety and Security”>Campus Safety and Security)</p>

<p>Prevention which means being out alone after dark as little as possible. To assume your child will just be on campus is naive. Cross to the other side of the street if alone or in a group, if you see a group coming towards you or following. Don’t carry a handbag. Walk purposefully - no straggling in a group and giggling. </p>

<p>Wait for your friend that you walk to a car to drive away, or a friend to get inside her house.
Don’t leave them in the car or at the front door looking for their key. If you drop them off, they can be mugged between your car and their front door. In bad weather, the car may not start.</p>