Davis visit ideas

Hi. I live and CA but my daughter lives with her Mom OOS. She was recently accepted to UCD (biology) and we plan to visit next week during her spring break. I realize UCD kids will also be on break so the campus will be quiet, but its the only near-term opportunity we have to see the campus and Davis. I really want her to attend as it seems like a great school and town, but she needs convincing. Kids are so focused on the way a campus looks or the vibe rather than the programs/reputation, but I’m sure 18 year old me was similar. She grew up in a medium sized city and in her 18 brain UCD is all ag and cows. What suggestions do you all have for getting the most out of our visit? We are registered for an official tour but will not stay overnight as I live about 90 minutes away in SF. Thanks.

On-campus, I would definitely visit the Arboretum and the Raptor center (if open) along with the Design center. Explore downtown Davis and have a coffee at Mishka’s Cafe or try a dessert crepe at Crepeville. Burgers at Burgers and Brew or If you are visiting on a Saturday, then the Downtown Farmers Market.

If while on tour, you are not taken to the “Deathstar” Builidng (AKA Social science and Humanities Building), here is a fun map to help guide you. Social Sciences and Humanities Building - Davis - LocalWiki


UC Davis was in The College Tour Season 2 - Episode 4


That link took me to the first episode. Davis has the episode on their You Tube page as well.


What is her major? What kinds of things is she into and what is she looking for in a school?

Depending on her interests, you might visit the Memorial Union (MU) and go downstairs to see the bowling alley and Gunrock Gaming facilities.

While there, you might pick up a drink at the CoHo (coffee house) and sit by a window (or outside if the weather is ok) and people watch.

If the weather is nice, you can walk to the MU. If it is raining, there is public parking (for a fee) in the Quad structure behind Hickey Gym. Hickey is the old gym. The new gym is called the ARC and you will see it on your tour. From the Quad structure, it is a short walk to the MU. You will pass the bus station where buses take students to and from home, the airport, shopping, etc.

If she is interested in Greek life, the sorority houses are located on Russell.

A couple of dive type restaurants where students eat:
Ali Baba is very popular for breakfast burritos. Taqueria Guadlajara is popular for greasy tacos.

Sitting outside at Burgers & Brew is a great place to people watch if the weather is nice. Next-door is Yolo Berry (frozen yogurt).

Philz (coffee) has a lot of traffic whether school is in session or not.

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Rent a bike at one of the bike shops in town or on campus at the Bike barn. (Remember, fenders are better! Otherwise, the freshman stripe on your backside will lead to lots of mud to wash off). Ride around the campus and check out the water and tire stations.

Echo eating at Crepeville, Burgers and Brew, and all restaurants previously mentioned while watching the double decker student-run bus service. Drag her to Trader Joe’s and check out the train station. I love the Ace “hardware” store. We found a ton of our daughter’s dorm and apartment items there.

Look at the local page before you go: Davis - LocalWiki
Check out bank row and see where your bank is located.
Have fun!

Edited to add, our daughter was a FREQUENT visitor to Dutch Bros. Coffee for smoothies.

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Great suggestions and I sent her the link to the College Tour video on Davis. Thank you all!

Just spoke to my Aggie. He suggested Dumpling House (which was closed for several years but is now open again) and Davis Creamery.


Love the Dumpling house. Glad to see it is open again. Yum!!!


I had a different experience there. We were just there on the Aggie Day and we had waited more than an hour for our dishes and the food was very mediocre imao

Haven’t been there in a couple of years so good to know.

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