<p>For the uninformed, DDR: Dance Dance Revolution, not Deutsche Demokratische Republik.)</p>
<p>Anybody play it?
How good are you?
Do you think you look silly as hell when you play it? x]</p>
<p>For the uninformed, DDR: Dance Dance Revolution, not Deutsche Demokratische Republik.)</p>
<p>Anybody play it?
How good are you?
Do you think you look silly as hell when you play it? x]</p>
<p>1.LOVE it.
Havent played it in a while though so thank you for bringing it up!
2. Not bad. I’m not amazing…but I can kick most of my friends’ butts at it so it’s fine with me. Kinda wish I could do those crazy hard levels though…
3. I’m sure I do =]</p>
<li> Haven’t played in like a year, but love it.</li>
<li> I’m pretty amazing. (At least, I used to be.)</li>
<li> Yes. Videos have proven this.</li>
<li>Yes, very, very, fun!</li>
<li>Eh…Ok. lol</li>
<li>Yes, for sure, lmao</li>
<p>I would like DDR, but the crappy techno gets so old. That’s why I switched to rock band. But then that got old, so I switched to real musicianship</p>
<p>Anybody play it? I used to be obsessed. I still play it every now and then.
How good are you? Pretty good, I can pass a good amount of the 9 footers.
Do you think you look silly as hell when you play it? Yeah, but I don’t give a darn.</p>
<p>I used to be obsessed. One time at the mall I drew a decent crowd getting an B on Max 300. I thought it was a cool enough achievement to stop playing forever.</p>
<li>Very rarely.</li>
<li>I suck. My experiences are an unqualified failure. I can’t dance, and suck at rhythm games in general. Not a pleasant combination.</li>
<li>Since I barely dance, I probably only look stupid because I am failing so miserably.</li>
<li>I don’t play it nearly as much as I did before. Now it’s something I keep reserved to arcades.</li>
<li>I’m the best in my school =]
There’s only one song that I don’t have yet under my belt: PSMO</li>
<li>I do look ridiculous. Simple as that.</li>
<p>i look like im having a lower body seizure when playing.</p>
<p>but im beastlyyyy.</p>
<p>I prefer Guitar Hero, I used to be really obsessed.</p>
<li>I wish I could play often… but I dont own it
Therefore I can only go to friends’ houses and attempt to take over their game…with little success.</li>
<li>I’m horrible, but I love it dearly! My lack of practice really shows lol I have no DDR natural talent.</li>
<li>I look ridiculous and I know it… but I still love it!</li>
I’m pretty good, even though the pads I own broke, and for about a year i’ve only been able to play on auto mode while shadowing (basically like just practice)</p>
<p>ACTUALLY!!!, right now I’m looking for a dorm that might possibly have a DDR machine in it. I’m gonna be a freshman at NYU in fall…anyone happen to possibly know if any of the freshman dorms have a DDR machine???</p>
<li>Love it</li>
<li>I used to be really good back in the day</li>
<li>Absolutely, although my brother probably looks sillier. He does this weird leg cross, arm swing movement all the time (both of which are unnecessary), but he also lacks skill and just starts dancing around and slipping on the mat and forcing it to fly from under him which in turn forces him to trip and/or fall.</li>
<p>i used to be decent at it…like i could pass some of the songs on standard. the trouble with ddr is anyone who has steady access to a machine is really good and anyone who doesn’t sucks horribly.
i haven’t played it since i left caltech, we had a free ddr machine in the basement.</p>