<p>Does submitting stuff really close to the deadline or a day or two late in any way compromise your chances?</p>
<p>Yeah that is my only question. Replies are appreciated.</p>
<p>Does submitting stuff really close to the deadline or a day or two late in any way compromise your chances?</p>
<p>Yeah that is my only question. Replies are appreciated.</p>
<p>What we have been told…is the schools want your application, any essays required and your fees paid by the deadline (either postmarked by mail or online). Teacher rec’s, grades and SSAT scores can trickle in after.</p>
<p>Yes, Muffett has it right. Some students won’t have their end of semester grades until next week or the week after, for example.</p>
<p>To clarify, you should have all the parts of the application that are 100% within your control postmarked by the deadline…the grades and recommendations are out of your hands, so there is some flexibility on that.</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies. So the school won’t hold me accountable if my teachers/counselor submit their stuff a little bit late?</p>
<p>Just do the best you can and don’t worry about it. Many of the schools with January 15 deadlines won’t even start reading applications for another couple of weeks . . . it takes that long just to get all the incoming mail sorted!</p>
<p>For parts of the application not under your control, you should be monitoring what the school tells you is missing. These days, they often have web sites to give you feedback about missing parts of your application. So if your school (as my son’s does) packages up all the school documents and teacher recommendations, you should just ensure that gets there in a timely fashion. As he just completed his semester yesterday, that won’t happen for a week or two (and the school has made arrangements so the schools know that will be case). For outside recommendations, you should be monitoring the situation and ensure they arrive.</p>
<p>This does not mean, however, calling the admissions office repeatedly to make sure the stuff is there. Just follow up with your own school to see when the stuff goes out. Then wait for an email from the admissions office telling you that your application is or is not complete. Most schools will send an email with this info (or post it online).</p>
<p>Our two daughters submitted their online applications last night (due 1/14, of course) - one submitted 11:59pm Jan 14, the second 12:01am Jan 15. Will the second one be considered? Suggestions?</p>
<p>Quoting dodgersmom from post #6 in this thread, “Many of the schools with January 15 deadlines won’t even start reading applications for another couple of weeks . . . it takes that long just to get all the incoming mail sorted!” so no, I don’t think it will make a difference. Don’t worry about it, IMO both will be given equal consideration. But wow, that is some pretty legit cutting it close to the deadline.</p>
<p>The one that was really getting to me was the deadline of January 15, a Sunday, followed by January 16, MLK day, both days on which the USPS is not operating, therefore no post marks on those days – not until the 17th.</p>
<p>For schools with online applications, not a big deal (can hit “submit” on the 15th), but for those with written applications (Taft & Exeter come to mind), it was a bit nerve-wracking to think about. At this point apps are “in” the mail, but won’t have a post mark until the 17th, and there isn’t anything I can do about it.</p>
<p>So does that mean that someone could complete their Exeter essay on the 17th, take it to the post office, and it would be post marked on the 17th just like the one if someone put theirs in the mail on the 15th?</p>
<p>FREEKING OUT!! I am turning it in on tue. i was going to on sat. but the postoffice had there mail picked up already. SO im express shipping it on tue. so hoppefully it gets there the next day. Will this affect my application? Also for exeter( the only school im applying too) why do they ask for a written copy along with the printed one, is it for seeing if i would have good handwriting because mine is slightly less then decent hand writing. Like its not bad but not great. Plz answer all questions stated. Thx in advance!!</p>
<p>eve7689- As long as it gets to the admission office before they start reading applications, you are fine (and it will get there). They ask for a written copy for possible verification as they can put it against your SSAT essay to make sure that it’s you (Just a guess, not positive).</p>