<p>I asked this on another thread and was told yes, but I just wanted confirmation</p>
<p>ps- by "why" I mean why the decision was made</p>
<p>I asked this on another thread and was told yes, but I just wanted confirmation</p>
<p>ps- by "why" I mean why the decision was made</p>
<p>I have the same question!</p>
<p>Take a look at the comments on Dean J’s blog for the waitlisted entry. She answers this way: </p>
<p>“is it possible to call admissions and ask why I was waitlisted?
You can, but we will all say the same things. Waitlisted students are those we know will do well here. We just don’t have a large enough class to take everyone.”</p>
<p>I know it is disappointing to be waitlisted. My D was waitlisted at two of her top choices last year. There are so many factors that I’m sure must be considered in building a class. You were waitlisted. You were not denied. It is still possible you will be offered a place in the class.</p>